Wow a new post from your buddy Rickrolled. Holy crap! Im sure some of you are aware of some of the changes in my life. I just want to say to Arbitraria that I am grateful to her for having been so good to me for so long and that we will always be friends. Lately just been busy with school, trying to find a new job, and my radio show. Last night Zoo almost took out a few guidos who deserved it lol. Whatever you do people do NOT make fun of her hat. Yikes! If you guys want listen to my radio show on Friday Mornings from 8-10 (if you're up!) just google WRPR and then you can stream it off the internet wherever you are. Just think you can hear yours truly as if I am sitting right next to you lol. Oh Joy just what ya wanted. Miss you all and I am going to try to be more active. Love ya guys!

oh, and...murray says hi.