Arbitraria has the most annoying wake up alarm ever. Picture an evil electronic bird that wont shut up. I mean if you needed a terrorist to start talking, play this thing nonstop for ten minutes. I assure you they would start talking right away! So I have heard many people bashing 2008. I mean sure the economy had a major downturn, but half way through gas prices shot down! While I'll agree the first half of 08 was not all I wanted it to be, the second half def rocked. I was working for an evil silverware empire(i stress not Cutco!) lol. Then I took a chance on snake oil (or mini golf) and a major turn around happened. Just turned 28 and I was accepted to college. I am now 28 yr old freshman who manages a mini golf course. From being in rock bands to the navy to a million odd jobs and now this. My life has been quite a crazy time. Seen a lot in a little time. I'm not going to gush over Arbie, she knows how I feel and that's enough, but ill say I am very lucky to have met her. So lets all admit people 2008 was not a best friend, more like a transitional lover whose pictures all come down after the relationship is over but you remain friends lol. A lot of blogs I have read have made me realize what I learned in 08 making it a truly great year for me. The lesson I learned was, lovers will come and go, jobs will come and go, but so long as you love yourself you can make it through. Oh and drama is bad for you, especially if you self inflict it. Lol I have heard so many people I know say how they hate/despise drama yet when the hear it knocking at the door they are quick to answer. Let the knocks go unanswered, let the doorbell ring what that salesman is selling is only gonna make you ill. Remember if you dont love yourself how can you expect anyone else to? But I digress, Happy New Year to you all! And in 2009 i will continue to never give you up and try not to let you down! lol YARRRRRRRRRRR

2008 was pretty shitty but i will admit that the year at least helped set me up for good things in 2009. a lot of weird things went down in 2008, but in the end a lot of the issues that started at the start of the year were finally fixed so that's definitely a good thing...
apparently i missed the ol last night- i'm a sad panda! you guys going next week? if not we gotta make plans, i will even venture in from the city! bc you know what they say- you can take the girl out of jersey, but you can't take jersey outta the girl. oh yeah1