I think something bit me. It looks like I grew a nipple on my leg. Yuck.
Ever notice that certain bits of music are best suited by certain formats? For example, I couldn't imagine listening to Miles Davis's Kind of Blue except on my crackly, worn, $3 LP. Also, the first Danzig album is just perfect on cassette. Some things are best suited to mp3, largely because they're too embarrassing to buy in person.
If I had to choose a format for myself, I'd have to go with the 12" EP. It looks as cool as an LP, but says what it needs to say and then finishes. No filler.
(Who knows. I just put that down because it sounded cool. I think I'm totally 8-track.)
Ever notice that certain bits of music are best suited by certain formats? For example, I couldn't imagine listening to Miles Davis's Kind of Blue except on my crackly, worn, $3 LP. Also, the first Danzig album is just perfect on cassette. Some things are best suited to mp3, largely because they're too embarrassing to buy in person.
If I had to choose a format for myself, I'd have to go with the 12" EP. It looks as cool as an LP, but says what it needs to say and then finishes. No filler.
(Who knows. I just put that down because it sounded cool. I think I'm totally 8-track.)