I don't care much about Russell Crowe either way, but I really want to make my hair look like this:
I'm not sure that I have the kind of relationship with my barber where I can just bring him a picture from a magazine and have him go to town, but I'm very faithful to him and don't want to go somewhere else. Maybe I'll wait until I move and find a new barber.
I'm going to see The Warriors tonight at midnight and I couldn't be more excited.

I'm not sure that I have the kind of relationship with my barber where I can just bring him a picture from a magazine and have him go to town, but I'm very faithful to him and don't want to go somewhere else. Maybe I'll wait until I move and find a new barber.
I'm going to see The Warriors tonight at midnight and I couldn't be more excited.

The thing I always liked most about periods is a romantic notion that we women are connected to the tides, and therefore the moon, thus the heavens...
That photo of Russell is foxy, it's true. But he has one helluva lot of product in the hair, and some lady standing just out of shot ready to dart in and place each strand just so.
How's your heart, my sweet? And have you been thinking about moving cities again? I think you should chose New York, and you'd better go scout it out. In May. Yes, I think it's Necessary.