Certain things fascinate me.
The moon fascinates me. It's so simple, so calm. It's up there almost every night, but can still come as a total surprise.
Birds fascinate me. I am particularly fond of the small, colorful ones. I often wonder how something that weighs about the same as pocket change can be loud enough to be heard hundreds of feet away. If I were that small, I'd struggle to whisper.
Religion fascinates me. I like learning about different beliefs, and where they come from. Sometimes those beliefs piss me off (creationists, I'm looking in your direction), but they're still interesting.
Ballerinas fascinate me. I love watching the way they seemingly violate physical laws, like gravity. Their control over their movements seems so far beyond anything I know how to do. I will probably always have a secret desire to run away with a ballerina.
Those things fascinate me. Everything else just baffles me.
The moon fascinates me. It's so simple, so calm. It's up there almost every night, but can still come as a total surprise.
Birds fascinate me. I am particularly fond of the small, colorful ones. I often wonder how something that weighs about the same as pocket change can be loud enough to be heard hundreds of feet away. If I were that small, I'd struggle to whisper.
Religion fascinates me. I like learning about different beliefs, and where they come from. Sometimes those beliefs piss me off (creationists, I'm looking in your direction), but they're still interesting.
Ballerinas fascinate me. I love watching the way they seemingly violate physical laws, like gravity. Their control over their movements seems so far beyond anything I know how to do. I will probably always have a secret desire to run away with a ballerina.
Those things fascinate me. Everything else just baffles me.
Life does facinate me though.
Hope today is awesome for you.
And I do have a half ass tattoo...or a 1/3 or well part of my ass tattoo'd. LOL.
But, it is a good tattoo. Not done 'half ass'