total chaos
i don't know why they do it
they / we leave everything till the last minute
we now have 2 new rooms at the studio but only in the nick of time
people were still glueing the carpet down and hanging the speakers on the wall whilst the bands were waiting in the corridor
it was like some tacky reality DIY show
60 minute makeover or something
but now all is fairly calm except a little louder than usual
i hope you all is good
i don't know why they do it
they / we leave everything till the last minute
we now have 2 new rooms at the studio but only in the nick of time
people were still glueing the carpet down and hanging the speakers on the wall whilst the bands were waiting in the corridor
it was like some tacky reality DIY show
60 minute makeover or something
but now all is fairly calm except a little louder than usual
i hope you all is good

I was true to myself and told that guy I prefered being single and said a few more things to go with it. I think he has finally gotten the hint. I prefer to be like a kid in a candy store. So much yummy things to see but not to touch!!