yay for credit cards !!!!
i've just blown 330 on a new phone with a camera
the results you can see in my pics ( tats and stuff)
i'm feeling that nagging guilt about spending so much but fuck it. i needed a new phone. my old one was broken
waiting waiting waiting
waiting for the big day
it's really begining to drag now
Betina's getting really swollen, lots of water retention
so i hope the little bugger comes out soon
i'll also get 2 weeks paternity leave from work
i'll try and post some pics as soon as i can
]take it easy folks
i've just blown 330 on a new phone with a camera
the results you can see in my pics ( tats and stuff)
i'm feeling that nagging guilt about spending so much but fuck it. i needed a new phone. my old one was broken
waiting waiting waiting
waiting for the big day
it's really begining to drag now
Betina's getting really swollen, lots of water retention
so i hope the little bugger comes out soon
i'll also get 2 weeks paternity leave from work
i'll try and post some pics as soon as i can
]take it easy folks
I really want to get a phone with a cam too! I'm thinking of getting one of the Samsung ones with a digital zooming cam. Whoot whoot!