sorry, long time no update
well, prepare yourself for a pic layden entry

( i'll hide 'em away for the unfortunate dial uppers )
new toys !!!
a 40GB mp3 recorder
emphasis on the recording part, cuz it has a line in socket
so i can encode vinyl and more importantly rehearsals, jams etc
only 149 from Advanced MP3 Player
it's a couple of years old, but it does everything i need it to
it was originaly 279 ! ha ha ha
and lookie ...
i got a camera, yaaaaaaaay
hence all the pics
what else have i been up to ?
oh yes,
went and saw the Chili Peppers at Earls Court which was a real let down
i don't like big venues and they were in 'hits' mode
i'm an old git of a fan so i was expecting it
never mind, they played well, did some great jams
Patti Smith made a guest apearance which was cool, but otherwise
i'll hold on to the old gig memories more
i got Tool tickets !!!! YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH !!!!
November at Wembley Arena
Tool's different though, i'm happy to be in seating for that and have a good view of the light show etc
went and saw Frankie a couple of weeks ago to have some more shading done
so far it looks like this ...
we were talking about putting a bit of colour in the flowers, which i wasn't planning originaly
but now i'm well up for it
more prezzies, for no real reason, it just feels gooood
so lately we've been taking self portraits and err ... enjoying toast
scary huh ?