so ...
the Kevinci Code was okay, was a real Ron Howard film ( never ending )
enjoyable but it's a shame he couldn't fit more of the books detail and facts into it
i've only read about half the book or so but it's made me want to finish it
all the stuff in it that makes you go
evil fucking bastard misogynist religious zealots
is crammed into about a 2 minute speech by Gandalf
i find all that history stuff really interesting
oh well, it's still a good story
i wish everyone would hurry up and start using
i'm fed up looking at that pic of Apnea
and you have to log into the old site and then if you keep logging in back and fourth it freezes and sends you a security password - oh for gods sake
you get the picture
we watched this last night on dvd
Pheonix was great, so was whasername but it wasn't as good as say ... Ray
it was good pretty much all the way thru but then the ending just suddenly jumped out of no where
if you'd have blinked - all of a sudden you'd be watching the titles go up
as you can tell, i've not really got anything to say lately
hence the waffle about films i've watched or am planning to watch - yaaaaaaaaaawwwwwn
not a lot going on .....
get it ?
he he he
the Kevinci Code was okay, was a real Ron Howard film ( never ending )
enjoyable but it's a shame he couldn't fit more of the books detail and facts into it
i've only read about half the book or so but it's made me want to finish it
all the stuff in it that makes you go

i find all that history stuff really interesting
oh well, it's still a good story
i wish everyone would hurry up and start using
i'm fed up looking at that pic of Apnea
and you have to log into the old site and then if you keep logging in back and fourth it freezes and sends you a security password - oh for gods sake
you get the picture
we watched this last night on dvd

Pheonix was great, so was whasername but it wasn't as good as say ... Ray
it was good pretty much all the way thru but then the ending just suddenly jumped out of no where
if you'd have blinked - all of a sudden you'd be watching the titles go up

as you can tell, i've not really got anything to say lately
hence the waffle about films i've watched or am planning to watch - yaaaaaaaaaawwwwwn
not a lot going on .....

get it ?

my metaphorical picture of current happeningness more resembles an industrial estate, long past closing time, empty car parks, rusty disgarded trolleys, etc.
Chin up...