well summer apears to be over with all the wind and rain we've been getting lately
sucky sucky suck suck - i just thought i should say that
we're going to see The Davinci Code tomorrow night
ooh yes, pics - journal entries always look nicer with pics
Tom Hanks recieves a crafty handjob whilst on set from his gorgeous leading lady Audrey Tautou
and then the week after that we're gonna seeee ...
" Oops, left the gas on again "
i'm slightly concerned about X3, Brian Singer isn't directing so i'm hoping the new director's not gonna be a total hack
and to my horror i just found out minutes ago Vinnie Fucking Jones is in it
that's it, it's doomed
it's gonna be another Cat Woman, did you see that ?
Fuck me it was shit !
just watched the X3 trailer and it does look gooood
lot's of love

sucky sucky suck suck - i just thought i should say that
we're going to see The Davinci Code tomorrow night
ooh yes, pics - journal entries always look nicer with pics

Tom Hanks recieves a crafty handjob whilst on set from his gorgeous leading lady Audrey Tautou
and then the week after that we're gonna seeee ...

" Oops, left the gas on again "
i'm slightly concerned about X3, Brian Singer isn't directing so i'm hoping the new director's not gonna be a total hack
and to my horror i just found out minutes ago Vinnie Fucking Jones is in it
that's it, it's doomed
it's gonna be another Cat Woman, did you see that ?
Fuck me it was shit !
just watched the X3 trailer and it does look gooood

lot's of love

will go an see xmen on sunday...yay!