what the hell are they up to ?

i gotta say, i'm pretty disapointed
where's the energy, the attitude, the spunk, the fuck you punk funk rock ?
i can apreciate By The Way with it's 60's 70's psychedelic harmony laden laid back aproach
but 4 yrs on and still the same vibe except this time they've blessed us with 28 tracks !
i say the same vibe, although BTW comparably has a few alterna / obscure tracks, these are all so safe.
the old school funk is good but not dirty enough, to be really them, it needs to be a tiny bit quicker, the guitars a fair bit punchier / bit more crunchy and less of the horns
but 28 tracks !? what the hell was Rick Ruben paid for ?
drop 12 - 14 songs, mainly the slow b-side types and turn up the gain
this on the other hand ...

is gonna be my album of the year
it's rare that i'd describe metal as beautiful, but it just is
warm, deep, rich, heavy - love it
i've not had the chance to listen to the new Pearl Jam album, been listening to Tool to much
so what does everyone think of beta.sg ?
i really like it
last week Frankie came down and we met up with Phinn and Lolo and their respective fellas - much fun was had by all and it was great meeting new faces
then me and Betina had a lovely meal on Sunday evening with Phinn and Mr and Mrs Frankie
and to top it all i got a bit more tattoo'd by Frankie at Temple Tatu on tuesday
with shading of my sleeve well and truly under way
it's really begining to take shape and it already looks amazing
i can't quite believe it's on my arm
i hope everyone's enjoying the weather
lots of love
... update to say ...
strange things keep happening on beta.sg
i've lost the 5 friends i saved and now 3 of them have completely disapeared from my friend list, yet they're still there on old SG
just incase you wondering, i'm not deleting anyone x

i gotta say, i'm pretty disapointed
where's the energy, the attitude, the spunk, the fuck you punk funk rock ?
i can apreciate By The Way with it's 60's 70's psychedelic harmony laden laid back aproach
but 4 yrs on and still the same vibe except this time they've blessed us with 28 tracks !
i say the same vibe, although BTW comparably has a few alterna / obscure tracks, these are all so safe.
the old school funk is good but not dirty enough, to be really them, it needs to be a tiny bit quicker, the guitars a fair bit punchier / bit more crunchy and less of the horns
but 28 tracks !? what the hell was Rick Ruben paid for ?
drop 12 - 14 songs, mainly the slow b-side types and turn up the gain

this on the other hand ...

is gonna be my album of the year
it's rare that i'd describe metal as beautiful, but it just is
warm, deep, rich, heavy - love it

i've not had the chance to listen to the new Pearl Jam album, been listening to Tool to much
so what does everyone think of beta.sg ?
i really like it
last week Frankie came down and we met up with Phinn and Lolo and their respective fellas - much fun was had by all and it was great meeting new faces
then me and Betina had a lovely meal on Sunday evening with Phinn and Mr and Mrs Frankie
and to top it all i got a bit more tattoo'd by Frankie at Temple Tatu on tuesday
with shading of my sleeve well and truly under way
it's really begining to take shape and it already looks amazing
i can't quite believe it's on my arm

i hope everyone's enjoying the weather
lots of love

... update to say ...
strange things keep happening on beta.sg
i've lost the 5 friends i saved and now 3 of them have completely disapeared from my friend list, yet they're still there on old SG
just incase you wondering, i'm not deleting anyone x
[Edited on May 20, 2006 9:36AM]