So our local grocery chain, had purchased the rights to the epic Madness song “Our House”. I’m thinking about starting a petition to make them stop. Tell HyVee to stop the Madness.


Have you ever done something your whole life, then one day discover it has a name? Then when you learn the name, you become one with the universe?

The majority of my adult life, I have always found myself attracted to girls much younger, or if my own age, who acted extremely immature. Then it got to a point, that I began to date young...
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Turned 51 yesterday. Gotta say I still don’t feel any older than 25. My birthday resolution though is to be more active here. So I apologize now for all of the random depression and silliness of this fairly good looking, older gentleman.

Hey! Happy Birthday!!!🎂🎈

Well I have said hello, might as well introduce myself now. As stated, I am a grumpy, old, fat man. It is actually more a hobby then anything right now, but when I retire in about 30 years I plan on taking it up full time.

This is actually my second time on SG. I previously had a membership between 2003 and 2006. Honestly don't...
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