Yes there is! Look at me. LMAO!! I'm way too nice for my own good...but we are who we are and well I can't change it now. Lucky for me that you are just sweet as pie and we know how much I love pie.
YES!!! We sure do need to go back. I swear I was so damn excited that we got to go. haha!! I'm sure you could see just how freakin happy I was to be in there.
Well...either way we had a freakin most epic time if I do say so myself and well for sure need to do it soon!!!! Speakin of which guess what I'm drinkin right now???? Not on tap though but still good.
I love that place. hmmmm gonna need to see what they have on tap next time though something tells me the food isn't as good as the coffee. Though the coffee is freakin just wow on it's own.. So glad I finally got you to go.
YES!!! We sure do need to go back. I swear I was so damn excited that we got to go. haha!! I'm sure you could see just how freakin happy I was to be in there.
I love that place. hmmmm gonna need to see what they have on tap next time though something tells me the food isn't as good as the coffee. Though the coffee is freakin just wow on it's own.