Q: Who has been drowning themselves alternately with copious amounts of booze and homemade sushi?
A: Me.
Sorry I am lame. I seem to have chased everyone away from my profile. No one comments anymore (maybe because I don't post much anymore. hmmm...) I started working on my finest painting ever again. Slow and steady wins the race. Plotting new paintings, gotta figure out how to get the desired effects, and the paintings will begin. I fear I might never finish the one I've been working on forever...
It's hard to make out the details but you get the idea.
A: Me.
Sorry I am lame. I seem to have chased everyone away from my profile. No one comments anymore (maybe because I don't post much anymore. hmmm...) I started working on my finest painting ever again. Slow and steady wins the race. Plotting new paintings, gotta figure out how to get the desired effects, and the paintings will begin. I fear I might never finish the one I've been working on forever...

It's hard to make out the details but you get the idea.
Happy Birthday, Ricer!

you're right, i never have. i can't skateboard to save my life, no matter what footwear.