I'm so disgusted right now I'm shaking.
So heres the story.
I work in a hotel. Ive worked in pubs since I was 16 and Ive experienced my fair share of weird perverted men, so Im pretty clued up and very suspicious of all strange males I come across.
Tonight, a male appears at the bar and asks me if I can help him as he needs to check in and there was no one at reception. Or so he says. I take him to the check in desk to find our receptionist on the phone. The man turns to me and says oh, i didnt realise the reception was up here. I leave him with Mark the receptionist and return to the bar. Shortly the man comes back down and orders a gin & tonic and offers to buy me a drink, I decline but thank him. At this point I start becoming suspicious of him, his mannerisms are a bit strange, but I dont think too much of it. I do however mention to Mark that I find him a little weird, and at some point in the evening he comes to check on me at the bar.
Later, the man has gone to bed, Im at reception counting the till and the phone rings. The conversation goes like this;
Him: I need some help in my room.
(I immediately get my guard up as any normal person would tell you what the problem was straight away)
Me: Is there any specific thing you need help with?
Him: Ummm..Anything really
(Yep, I can see where this heading straight away.)
Me: Well if you let me know what exactly you need help with I can send somebody up for you (Meaning the Night Porter whos big and welsh.)
Him; No just send yourself up, now.
Me: No, its alright thanks. *Hangs up on him*
Errr, fucking vile. Worst part is I look young, so he must have figured I was younger and therefore more naive than I am and stupid enough to have gone up to his room.
I think Im more angry and disgusted about the whole thing because I think what if it wasnt me that answered the phone, and it was one of the younger girls and they had gone up?
People wonder why I hate guys so much.
On a lighter note. I have a new job. Which I will be starting soon. It's at a wonderful pub/restaurant called the Queen & Castle, the manager has big plans for me already, and I'm generally excited about it just because I'm dying to leave this hotel I'm at currently.
I saw this wonderful lady on Tuesday;
My boyfriend bought me tickets for her birmingham date for christmas. It was an amazing night, until my car nearly got locked in the car park because nobody thought to put better signs up explaining it was no longer a 24 hr car park! But ever the hero, Rob called up the car park people and saved my car and the few other people that were stuck too!!
Thank you guys for all your suggestions on my last blog. I've yet to investigate primark, but I will be doing so soon and I'll post the finished products here and I may even have some items to sell. Who knows!
I also have plans to take up Hula Hooping. It's looks so amazing and even sexy.
I've put a hula hoop on my birthday list, so hopefully someone will take notice!
So heres the story.
I work in a hotel. Ive worked in pubs since I was 16 and Ive experienced my fair share of weird perverted men, so Im pretty clued up and very suspicious of all strange males I come across.
Tonight, a male appears at the bar and asks me if I can help him as he needs to check in and there was no one at reception. Or so he says. I take him to the check in desk to find our receptionist on the phone. The man turns to me and says oh, i didnt realise the reception was up here. I leave him with Mark the receptionist and return to the bar. Shortly the man comes back down and orders a gin & tonic and offers to buy me a drink, I decline but thank him. At this point I start becoming suspicious of him, his mannerisms are a bit strange, but I dont think too much of it. I do however mention to Mark that I find him a little weird, and at some point in the evening he comes to check on me at the bar.
Later, the man has gone to bed, Im at reception counting the till and the phone rings. The conversation goes like this;
Him: I need some help in my room.
(I immediately get my guard up as any normal person would tell you what the problem was straight away)
Me: Is there any specific thing you need help with?
Him: Ummm..Anything really
(Yep, I can see where this heading straight away.)
Me: Well if you let me know what exactly you need help with I can send somebody up for you (Meaning the Night Porter whos big and welsh.)
Him; No just send yourself up, now.
Me: No, its alright thanks. *Hangs up on him*
Errr, fucking vile. Worst part is I look young, so he must have figured I was younger and therefore more naive than I am and stupid enough to have gone up to his room.
I think Im more angry and disgusted about the whole thing because I think what if it wasnt me that answered the phone, and it was one of the younger girls and they had gone up?
People wonder why I hate guys so much.
On a lighter note. I have a new job. Which I will be starting soon. It's at a wonderful pub/restaurant called the Queen & Castle, the manager has big plans for me already, and I'm generally excited about it just because I'm dying to leave this hotel I'm at currently.
I saw this wonderful lady on Tuesday;

My boyfriend bought me tickets for her birmingham date for christmas. It was an amazing night, until my car nearly got locked in the car park because nobody thought to put better signs up explaining it was no longer a 24 hr car park! But ever the hero, Rob called up the car park people and saved my car and the few other people that were stuck too!!
Thank you guys for all your suggestions on my last blog. I've yet to investigate primark, but I will be doing so soon and I'll post the finished products here and I may even have some items to sell. Who knows!
I also have plans to take up Hula Hooping. It's looks so amazing and even sexy.
I've put a hula hoop on my birthday list, so hopefully someone will take notice!

Thanks for the vote!