2 Things that are important to me right now.
Iranian queer-feminist fashion photographer Tara Inanloo.

She has become one of my favourite ladies of all time. However, she could face execution if she returns home.
Read more here.
Also, the student riots here. I don't condone violence but I totally understand why it may have come down to it. I found out today that peaceful protesters in Parliament Square have been surrounded by tarpaulin's and fences so that no one can see what they're trying to say.
Fucking bollocks.
Now I know Britain doesn't have it that bad when it comes to governments, but what really grinds my gears is that they put on this facade to make them look like a fine example to the rest of the world. When really they're just becoming hypocrites.... why allow freedom of speech and then restrict people who are quietly making a point by pulling some stunt like that? This is why things get violent, and when you're faced with the youth of today, well they're a force to be reckoned with.
So fucking mad at this country and the world.
I wish I was better at putting my thoughts into words.
Iranian queer-feminist fashion photographer Tara Inanloo.

She has become one of my favourite ladies of all time. However, she could face execution if she returns home.
Read more here.
Also, the student riots here. I don't condone violence but I totally understand why it may have come down to it. I found out today that peaceful protesters in Parliament Square have been surrounded by tarpaulin's and fences so that no one can see what they're trying to say.
Fucking bollocks.
Now I know Britain doesn't have it that bad when it comes to governments, but what really grinds my gears is that they put on this facade to make them look like a fine example to the rest of the world. When really they're just becoming hypocrites.... why allow freedom of speech and then restrict people who are quietly making a point by pulling some stunt like that? This is why things get violent, and when you're faced with the youth of today, well they're a force to be reckoned with.
So fucking mad at this country and the world.
I wish I was better at putting my thoughts into words.
Hiding protesters with taroaulins and stuff sounds a bit sinister doesn;t it?