Hi hi!
My computer is fucked. My phone is fucked. It's all good!
I've given up on technology almost completely. I am learning to drive soon though, and just forked out 50 on my provisional. Yayayayaya
Today is the start of my weekend. I don't have the same days off as boo at the moment, since he's working at a different pub right now but hopefully this will all be sorted and we can go tot he zoo together as promised!
I hope everyone is all wicked and stuff!
My computer is fucked. My phone is fucked. It's all good!
I've given up on technology almost completely. I am learning to drive soon though, and just forked out 50 on my provisional. Yayayayaya
Today is the start of my weekend. I don't have the same days off as boo at the moment, since he's working at a different pub right now but hopefully this will all be sorted and we can go tot he zoo together as promised!
I hope everyone is all wicked and stuff!

and hope your phone and pc somehow fix themselves xD also dont drop your provisional down the loo when pissing .....
but hey maybe thats just me xD