SPOILERS! (Click to view)I think it's fair to say that I am currently up a creek without a paddle!
I got back from my vacation today and found out I managed to snatch an interview with the University I applied for.
Problem is... I sent off my application before I went away, and now I have to produce a portfolio, get time off work and book a b&b and train tickets to get down there on the 2nd of Sept.
So I am pretty stressed right now.
I'll bring you holiday snaps when I stop shitting bricks.
I think I am pretty much sorted, seems I was stressing over nothing.
Train from Coventry to London Euston
Overnight stay in a Hostel
Waterloo Station to Farnham
Walk 15 mins to Uni
Farnham to Waterloo
Walk to London Euston
London Euston to Coventry
I have my portfolio sorted, I just need to book the train tickets and hostel.
Go meeee
I live one town over in Aldershot and my girlfriend used to do jewelery at Farnham.
She used to love walking through Farnham with her portfolio :S lol. Lots of ignorant posh people in town.