sunday...sunny day today...the good thing is that I have new music in my mac...anybody knows Bent? or Milosh? peeping tom...etc etc
bringing new music home is like xmas for me, actually is the only thing that mekes me happy right now, with my daily jogging of course...
I'm loosing weight again...that't a good thing 'cause I like to be light...but I still smoke too much and I always feel that strange uncomfortable sensation of insatisfaction...that's the time when I just want useless things and I start to love useless things like something u have to protect and care for....
I've never been so angry with myself before but I like everything around....other people's dogs 4 exemple....
1 day I wiil pay for my superficiality, 4 my disinterest for everything that seems to count
I just like watching people walking or dancing, I like dressed up girls, I like when I say something wrong and I'm embarassed, I like english and I like listenin' to people not 4 what they say but 4 the way they talk
I love the surface of skin....going inside becomes always harder and harder...
bringing new music home is like xmas for me, actually is the only thing that mekes me happy right now, with my daily jogging of course...
I'm loosing weight again...that't a good thing 'cause I like to be light...but I still smoke too much and I always feel that strange uncomfortable sensation of insatisfaction...that's the time when I just want useless things and I start to love useless things like something u have to protect and care for....
I've never been so angry with myself before but I like everything around....other people's dogs 4 exemple....
1 day I wiil pay for my superficiality, 4 my disinterest for everything that seems to count
I just like watching people walking or dancing, I like dressed up girls, I like when I say something wrong and I'm embarassed, I like english and I like listenin' to people not 4 what they say but 4 the way they talk
I love the surface of skin....going inside becomes always harder and harder...
visto che ti voglio tanto bene e mi piaci tanto tanto, non che potresti riscrivermi quello che m'hai scritto prima senza essere avara di parole?
cosi ti rispondo
cmq non una questione di trasferte
noi se buttamo ndo c' casino
si se ponno raccoje le buste de sangue infetto da tir ai laziali lo famo
se quando more er papa possiamo tir le buste de piscio ai pellegrini in fila lo famo
non che abbiamo dei compiti precisi
domenica c'abbiamo la gara de pinne coi motorini