well.....today I cleaned up my house...then I went to the hospital to see my granny..then I went to by some vegetables in a farm where it costs less...then I went to see a friend of mine..his cousin was so cute...then I'm here but I go home now 'cause my dog is waiting 4 me....tomorrow I have blood exams....god...I want to have some fun

I'm dying to drink with you and Loris and of course we'll have to trick Waikiki into visiting then too. Or we can all meet in Berlin. I'll go anywhere if the party is really hot.
ewwww i know what you mean about people with children. even worse are people who talk all the time about their dog or cat and how cute they are and tricks they do and ...
Amo come avrei bisogno di un goccetto pure io...facciamocelo a distanza!
Oh vedi il mio amico che ti vuole chiava dice che alLUpato...il LU sta per Luisa ovv..
Noi ce lo vogliamo fare tutte...magari te lo provo prima