quite a less than stellar news weekend...but I have heard reports that this coming weekend is going to be pretty awesome. Something about a birthday, and prosecco...
God i love that city and i'm figuring out that even this trip is another sign...the more i think 'bout it the more i convince myself that the loss of my job, the brake with my boyfriend and this week in palermo are all signals from a sort of a cosmic willing...u can call it karma but it's not exactly like... Read More
Glad you are having a wonderful time and are feeling centered. I think that the push and pull of emotions and obligations (family, friends, work, love, passions) are what move us off center and drain our energy. Finding balance between it all is a happy place.
it's time to say it. he left me yesterday.
4 years.
i feel like the only thing that could make me calm down is to be like the red in the egg. still and soundless.i can't say i want to die but i don't know really how to keep on linving
i know it's pathetic and i really would like not to be, i'd like... Read More
Hang in there little tomato... My 7 year just happened a few days ago... If you live in the Montebelluna/Asolo area, I will buy you a glass of prosecco next week. Always makes me feel better
You and your friends must have had some really fun times in high school. It was such a great weekend. I'm so sad it had to end! I'm sure we'll find a way to have a drink together some day too. Love ya!
...ok, it's saturday and finally i'll go out with my bestfriend...actually in this 2 years i' ve become soooo lazy talking about going out at nite...but even some days..and there's more, i even (i don't joke) don't drink (so often) anymore...it's bacause i'm over the 30th (lovely that now i can always blame on the age), i sattled down and said goodbye to the "bitching... Read More
immaginavo tu sapessi dove fosse il mio hidden place hahahahahah quante feste hai fatto li dentro??? ahaha!
stellin vai tranquilla anche io sono mega impegnata sta settimana appena si calman le acque laperitivo o post cena o queo che xe nostro d obbligo ****
tomorrow i m leaving to croatia....i m looking forward to being there....
i will celebrate my birthday also, 30...
me and my friend proppa will bring around 10 bottles of wine....i just want sea, fish and be always drunk and happy...
my sweet boyfriend will stay here looking after my turtle and my plants...it's a shame he can't come with us but maybe for me... Read More
good morning,
today my dog is at my mum's place...it's just so weird not to see him around...losing hairs everywhere...i think u know what i'm talkin about...i'm nearly 30 years-old and i'm fighting to keep my hair beautiful and strong...he's 9 (so quite old 4 a dog) and i could make a double blanket with all the hairs i find each day in my tiny... Read More
ho voglia di cocccolarti e riempirti di bacini!
Ti amo amica mia