Oh lordy lordy lord. Wake-and-baking on a monday morning seemed like a good time to start a blog
So it turns out that I have a home here with my friends. I never expected them to want me to stay, and the fact that they do is a ginormous boost for my ego. I'm so damn lucky to be around people who appreciate me and accept me for my flaws because they seem to know that the good parts of me are worth it. Isn't this what everyone is looking for? Whether it be from a partner, friend, family member... It's so much easier to deal with the bullshit when people have your back.
I'm looking at another week or two before I have my own bedroom. Not a super long time, but it seems that way to me right now. I haven't masturbated in almost a month, people. Granted, I'm getting laid, but STILL. I can't take a wrench in my schedule like that
My first order of business once in the new bedroom is to get naked with my camera, webcam, and whatever else I feel inclined to do. The inner exhibitionist and narcissist are clawing at their respective cages
I miss you people, and can't wait to get back into my cozy little interweb whore blanket and get engrossed with conversations with you
Right now it's hard enough just to check in and pump out a blog every week or so. Sad panties. 

So it turns out that I have a home here with my friends. I never expected them to want me to stay, and the fact that they do is a ginormous boost for my ego. I'm so damn lucky to be around people who appreciate me and accept me for my flaws because they seem to know that the good parts of me are worth it. Isn't this what everyone is looking for? Whether it be from a partner, friend, family member... It's so much easier to deal with the bullshit when people have your back.
I'm looking at another week or two before I have my own bedroom. Not a super long time, but it seems that way to me right now. I haven't masturbated in almost a month, people. Granted, I'm getting laid, but STILL. I can't take a wrench in my schedule like that

My first order of business once in the new bedroom is to get naked with my camera, webcam, and whatever else I feel inclined to do. The inner exhibitionist and narcissist are clawing at their respective cages

I miss you people, and can't wait to get back into my cozy little interweb whore blanket and get engrossed with conversations with you

can't you do it in the bath or shower or are you too loud for that (or not into doing it while [water] wet)?
Glad to see you 're keeping in shape!
Jaysis, haven 't been around here in yonks, its great to see you on a high!
How 's the art going?
"a month without masturbating? I can't even fathom that. There would have to be some kind of hospital stay for that to happen (or a genital piercing that requires a month to heal)."