Today I would like to tell you about all the good things that happened during my trip to Mexico, but unfortunately I'm sad and I dedicate this blog to my cat BB, who died Friday, while I was in flight for Mexico. Unfortunately diabetes was a consequence of a other disease. I held back the tears these days, but I think of her every moment and what I'm sad not to be with her was her last hours of life. She was not a sociable cat, I think for the first year that I came to live with her, she hated me. She scratched me, did pee on my bags and many other things, but over time has accepted me and my presence. I can not believe she's dead.Just he started the diet for diabetes started to not eat more and stay always in her small wicker basket and in one week. I was stupid, I just thought he did not love this food. I left on Friday morning, and watching her I was not sure that my return would still be alive, but I I hoped. To visit the vet found that had too many white blood cells and red blood cells and a few other problems, completely dehydrated and with anemia. They have tried to cure her, but she died a few hours later. I can not stop crying
Bye my little BB