Hello SG Land!!
I've finally finished my move. I can not believe! I'm so happy and today I tried to take some pictures in my new bedroom. I love the light in this room, and also the striped wall :) ( yes, i love animated gif!!!)
Some days ago i work on my first ( and last ) underwater shooting ..It was so hard :( I must admit to not being able to go under water without plugging my nose with my hands, so I had to wear that thing to close the nostrils .. of course it was too big for my nose and the water came in my nostrils.Also my dress did not help me to be comfortable, because it rolled to my body and my face :( it was very frustrating not being able to do what I had in mind, but the photographer did a great job
these days I'm a bit 'sad .. September 24 will be my birthday, 30 years old and I'm not ready for this, I still feel young, but if I look here on SG and on all sites of modeling (and facebook ) I see a lot of new models and I feel so old.. but I try to blow away these bad thoughts:)
that's all folks