Hello beautiful people.
Coming to you live, it's the Blog Homework sequel nobody asked for.
It's Lame Jokes: The Unnecessary Sequel.
What do you get if you drop a piano down a mineshaft?
A flat minor.
What do you call ten thousand lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
A good start.
What do you get when you have a lawyer buried up to the neck in sand?
Not enough sand.
What's in the middle of nowhere?
The H.
Have you heard about the new Japanese restaurant that caters exclusively to lawyers?
It's called So Sue Me.
Why do men like to mow the lawn with an electric lawnmower?
So they can follow the cord back to the house.
I wanted to buy some camouflage pants but couldn't find any.
How did Darth Vader know what Luke bought him for Christmas?
He felt his presents.
Be kind to each other, SG Land.