Hello, beautiful people.
I was scrolling through the list of Blog Homework topics and saw the one about the next big purchase I am saving for.
One of my hobbies is playing the guitar. And if you are like most guitar players, you can never stop at just one guitar.
If you can, I am in awe of your self-restraint.
Since I already have a Stratocaster and Telecaster, I'm interested in getting a semi-hollowbody guitar like a Gibson ES-339.
But since a Gibson costs about 3,500 Australian Dollary-doos, I have to be realistic and look at an Epiphone instead.
Epiphone make entry-level versions of Gibson instruments for about the quarter of the price.
And I do like a bargain.
@penny @missy
You may have gotten this already, but in case you haven't, see if you can find mid 70's to early '80's Ibanez. Ibanez found its feet copying Gibson before introducing their own iconic designs. The build and performance are pretty top notch n this era, better than what the actual American companies were putting out at the same time. I've got a glue-neck flame-top 335 that's astounding in every way - especially considering I paid $700 for it (a while ago, it's true). https://www.adkguitar.com/blogs/news/what-do-we-mean-when-we-say-lawsuit-guitar
This one... https://www.ibanez-vintage.net/guitars/2630-artist-semi-acoustic-1979/