Hello beautiful people.
You might know I'm a collector of Transformers figures and a few months ago I pre-ordered this guy:
He's due late this month. Ten year old me would have loved this.
@penny @missy
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Friday night at an Arj Barker gig. I like to arrive early.
Hello beautiful people. This blog is about a favourite dirty joke.
Here's one I prepared earlier.
A teacher, a priest and a lawyer are travelling together on the Titanic, when the ship hits the iceberg and begins to sink.
The teacher says, "We have to save the women and children."
The lawyer says, "Fuck the women and children."
And the priest says, "Do we have...
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Hello beautiful people.
In the last year, I've been collecting Transformers figures.
As a child, I loved the Generation 1 (G1) cartoon. In the 80s, cartoons were essentially half-hour ads for toys but The Transformers actually had some decent writing.
I'm old-school in my collecting - mostly new versions of the original characters. None of this live action movie malarkey.
@missy @penny
Yes, that's Rumble
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Hello beautiful people.
This is a tough one.
There's the obvious ones like Tatooine but the whole planet's a freaking desert.
Hoth? It's a freaking ice cube.
Dagobah? Giant swamp.
Endor? The forest looks neat.
Ditto Yavin IV.
Alderaan? I think we all know how that goes.
Ultimately I would probably go with Coruscant. The whole planet's essentially a giant city. But it lacks green...
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Hello beautiful people.
When I was a wee lad, I absolutely loved a bit of anime. At the risk of showing my age, these were my favourites.
Robotech (Macross in Japan)
A massive alien ship crash lands on Earth and Earth's defence forces use the alien technology to create advanced transforming mecha.
And I love me some transforming mecha.
Years later, the aliens known as...
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I really appreciate women with a sense of humour so here's to @megamelz
Love the dad jokes.
The memes.
Finally @thorafable for posting in the Silliness group.
Never change, ladies.
@penny @missy
Hello SG Land.
Having lived in Australia my whole life, I would love to visit the US and do all the traditional touristy activities.
Check out the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, the national Republican Convention.
I kid.
But Vegas? Yes please.
@penny @missy
Some images from the Hard Quiz Live show I attended last night