i guess relationships are kind of like jeans for me as odd as that sounds. but ive been nervous about things and then i realized its always like this. i get it, then it feels too tight and confining until i get it worn in and comfortable. i need to keep telling myself this because this time i want it to work. a nice guy...
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its kind of been a downer. i am transferring colleges next year because i have determined i hate where i am. i think i know where i want to go. my parents have basically, in short disowned me at least temporarily so i am working on making enough money to do with my future what i want. my best friend fucked me over and now...
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cute hair
Nice pics.

So the over processing of my hair has finally caught up to me. My hair is falling out. On Saturday I am having to buzz it. My hair is breaking off around 1/2" to 1" so it will likely be buzzed around there. Also, I get pierced Saturday. I am going to need the piercing to make me feel better about myself after I get...
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Aww...don't feel bad. Short hair cuts are very fashionable right now, you've picked a good time to do some hair-apy! And I know what you mean, mine likes to act out when its freshly bleached hehehe.
What are you getting pierced?
What are you getting pierced?

I'm getting a high nostril on each side and a regular nostril on my right.
you make me nervous, nervous
hella hella nervous nervous
hella hella nervous nervous
haha, if only i had time to explain it. perhaps when we actually hang out.
alright, i look foward to it then!

You make me smile.
I get my high nostrils in a week and a half. Super excited. Also, I need to get new plugs so when I taper up to a 00g I will have something to put in.
Happy New Years All.
Just got back from a week at my grandfathers in Maryland. And I figured I would paint a picture of my trip for everyone with one word: outhouse.
I am spending a month at home for the holidays and to allow my mind to rest. Sadly my parents have decided against "doing Christmas" this year. This means no cookies, no tree, no presents, no stockings, no special dinner. The only thing I am stuck with is the damn church service. It's only uncomfortable because my mother goes to a very strict...
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I drove around and looked at Christmas lights tonight. I haven't done that in two years. My grandfather died two years ago. We used to drive around together EVERY night starting the day after Thanksgiving through Christmas so by the end of the season we could have seen all the lights in the city. I've missed it. I've missed him.
my grandfather died three years ago about this time, so christmas now is always sort of tinged with melancholy. but i have a lot of great memories of the guy who was always sort of my hero growing up. i never really stop missing him. i don't think you ever do though.
What a nice way to remember him, I am sure he is looking down on you smiling right now