Hey Everyone,
Sitting here on Graves not doing a thing so I thought I would update my page.
Work is going okay..getting really comfortable with my new shift..Of course I miss Aguirre #815..who is now on DayShift. She is getting married to a really nice guy who Bounces at a bar called Arizona RoadHouse. She asked me to be her Maid Of Honor...I cried when she asked me!!!!
My husband and I work at the same facility and he has been working here for seven years and he QUIT today!!! He's been off of work for about two weeks on Stress Leave and sence he's been home things have been great. No yelling or fighting..we've been getting along!!!!
My daughter said her first word on Thusday night...She said Momma!!!!
So I've heard Momma all day long from both of my babies...It's a great feeling!!!
Sitting here on Graves not doing a thing so I thought I would update my page.
Work is going okay..getting really comfortable with my new shift..Of course I miss Aguirre #815..who is now on DayShift. She is getting married to a really nice guy who Bounces at a bar called Arizona RoadHouse. She asked me to be her Maid Of Honor...I cried when she asked me!!!!
My husband and I work at the same facility and he has been working here for seven years and he QUIT today!!! He's been off of work for about two weeks on Stress Leave and sence he's been home things have been great. No yelling or fighting..we've been getting along!!!!

My daughter said her first word on Thusday night...She said Momma!!!!

that is so awesome....your daughters first word. Glad you and the hubbie are getting along. Thanks for dropping by my page. Hope to talk to you soon.
hey babe just wanted to say that I miss hearing from you all the time. come back pleaseeeeeeee