The end of the first week back at work is quite an amazing feeling. Not that my job is stressful; I "teach" preschool kids, which involves mostly making them drink enough water, helping them go to the toilet, watching them on the playground, helping them get ready for swimming lesson & then get dry & back into their clothes, and making sure they don't choke on food or toss it around the room.
But you know what I mean. Friday night always feels sweet after a week of work, especially when it's accented by a fridge full of food waiting to be cooked & eaten, and a freezer with a chilled bottle of vodka just waiting to be mixed with green tea and apple-flavored drinking yogurt (a Taiwan specialty - much tastier than it sounds).
Bring on the Archer season 1 marathon! It's time to pull an Al Bundy and veg out in front of my iMac until I'm drunk enough to just want to head to bed and sleep until my terrorizing cats wake me up (hopefully in the late morning tomorrow).
ps: this. is. awesome.
But you know what I mean. Friday night always feels sweet after a week of work, especially when it's accented by a fridge full of food waiting to be cooked & eaten, and a freezer with a chilled bottle of vodka just waiting to be mixed with green tea and apple-flavored drinking yogurt (a Taiwan specialty - much tastier than it sounds).
Bring on the Archer season 1 marathon! It's time to pull an Al Bundy and veg out in front of my iMac until I'm drunk enough to just want to head to bed and sleep until my terrorizing cats wake me up (hopefully in the late morning tomorrow).

ps: this. is. awesome.