My bike got stolen on Friday night
Gotta go through the pain of claiming on insurance now >_<
Unhappy Rhyleigh! huff!

Gotta go through the pain of claiming on insurance now >_<
Unhappy Rhyleigh! huff!
Yay you're back on SG 

Just a quick post for now -
I'm getting new chain and sprocket set for my bike tomorrow!!
I'm well excited
mainly cos im riding in fear of it snapping or jamming the wheel up right now, its literally that fucked, so i cant wait to replace it with a new shiny one!
Oyasumi nasai! ^_^

I'm getting new chain and sprocket set for my bike tomorrow!!

Oyasumi nasai! ^_^

Hello all!!
I'm pretty sure i'll enjoy my stay
I realise that isnt much of an introduction.. but ah well 
I'm pretty sure i'll enjoy my stay

welcome hope you has fun in the site 

Hii all. I'm sure i'll enjoy my time here
I've been thinking about joining for a while then i though "whyy noottt!" and got a years worth! ^_^
so yeh.. I'm here now
Peace out!

I've been thinking about joining for a while then i though "whyy noottt!" and got a years worth! ^_^
so yeh.. I'm here now

Peace out!
Hii all. I'm sure i'll enjoy my time here
I've been thinking about joining for a while then i though "whyy noottt!" and got a years worth! ^_^
so yeh.. I'm here now
Peace out!

I've been thinking about joining for a while then i though "whyy noottt!" and got a years worth! ^_^
so yeh.. I'm here now

Peace out!