So much going on in my life almost too much to deal with but I do for my kids .. I’m being laid off from my job of 3yrs the end of next month which is giving me anxiety bad enough that I’ve been sick for a week now then my uncle just found out he has stage 4 colon cancer with nodules on his lung and liver.. my cousin who’s a month younger than me is in there hospital about to have her 2nd open heart surgery.. one of my childhood friends who’s younger than me passed away in her sleep.. a dear friend of mine found out she has stage 3 breast cancer.. and my best friend was entered into Psych and lived too far away for me to be there for her not sure I can take much more 😔
Sometimes feels like life is testing where your limits are, but no matter what, you got keep going, keeping your head up and swimming against the tide of life. Best wishes to you.
Omg such a great video on Facebook, you look amazing