Turkey break was a blast, I really needed the time off from work and school. It gave me time to relax and focus my time elsewhere, with my beautiful boy. In fact, here he is in the roundpen, doing what he does best. I love my beautiful baby! (More pics from this ice cold day in my albums)
I didn't get to shoot this weekend, my Lainey's schedule was full to the max. That's what I get for enlisting a busy college student to shoot my next set. All is well, though. We've set a date for over winter break. Keep your eyes peeled. It will be absolutely to die for
I'm off to class, more life updates at a later time. Thanks for listening, kids
I didn't get to shoot this weekend, my Lainey's schedule was full to the max. That's what I get for enlisting a busy college student to shoot my next set. All is well, though. We've set a date for over winter break. Keep your eyes peeled. It will be absolutely to die for
I'm off to class, more life updates at a later time. Thanks for listening, kids
I'm glad you had a good turkey break if you send me a couple of photos I'd love to make some Fan Art for you