Yes. Absolutely yes.
I've been in a few relationships that end on their end but not on my end, sure, and it sucks. But the main person that comes to mind is me.
(me pictured with Professional Climber and first ever American Ninja Warrior Isaac Caldiero)
I try to love myself but sometimes, it feels like I don't love myself back. I look in the mirror on some days and I hear me saying "shit, girl, get your camera out. You look good!" when on others I hear, "you've lost 30 lbs? There's no way that's true, not with that stomach." When I'm having a good day, I tell myself I'm amazing. I tell myself I am a great teacher and a great climber and a great coach. On other days, I cannot tell myself it's worth getting out of bed.
Sometimes I feel like I'm in an abusive relationship with myself. We fight, I tear myself down, and then we make up the next morning or next week. It's a vicious cycle, but I love myself and there's a small something that reminds me how amazing I am and I can make it work. If I didn't have the downs, I wouldn't have the ups, right?
But hey, that's what life can be like sometimes when you live with Major Depression, Generalized Anxiety, and Post-Traumatic Stress. The number of days I love myself has grown and I know it will continue to grow. I'm not giving up on me.
@missy @rambo