i started my last blog by stating how bored I had been lately...That is far from the truth now! Life got busy!
The new Salon is amazing, and I'm loving working full time and being ubber busy again. Saturday I worked 9 hours with only a 15 minute break in the day...and while it was exhausting, is exactally how I want my weekends to go. I can't wait till I get my next pay check!!!!
So what have i been up to for the past 2 weeks?
Well...Started the new job at Fluid Hair Studio (416-623-0181 if you'd like to get your hair done)
I did hair for FAT Alternative Fashion Week for my friends clothing lines UsThemWe and Inner Geek
I also was given the oppourtunity to walk for usthemwe again this year....so here are some photos...

I also got the chance to pose for the always amazing ZAIDEN in his photobooth instalation at FAT and got this picture sent to me
Shortly after FAT, I caught what ever this evil illness is going around the city, and that has had me out of commision a good bit for the last week and a half. Finally got my ass to the doctor and sure enough, it transformed into a chest infection. But I got some antibiotics, and I'm pretty much better now. All thats left is a runny nose and an irritating cough...but thats on its way out.
I found out reccently that i will be an aunt, and my kids will finally have a cousin! Yay!!! My sister sent me the ultrasound images last night and I'm oh so smitten with the lil one
Other than that...I've just been getting lots of rest, and going out occasionally. Enjoying this amazing weather we've been having and walking around the city for hours.
Life is certainly on the up swing for me...and i'm really looking forward to the summer. I think its going to be a good one.
Other than that, I gave my self some new bangs, and have been sporting the extensions again
and heres a few random photos from my outings...
we were trying to line the melons up with my boobs haha I don't know why there were melon stickers on the mirror, but there were also coconuts on the other side!

Okay kids, thats all for now!
The new Salon is amazing, and I'm loving working full time and being ubber busy again. Saturday I worked 9 hours with only a 15 minute break in the day...and while it was exhausting, is exactally how I want my weekends to go. I can't wait till I get my next pay check!!!!

So what have i been up to for the past 2 weeks?
Well...Started the new job at Fluid Hair Studio (416-623-0181 if you'd like to get your hair done)
I did hair for FAT Alternative Fashion Week for my friends clothing lines UsThemWe and Inner Geek
I also was given the oppourtunity to walk for usthemwe again this year....so here are some photos...

I also got the chance to pose for the always amazing ZAIDEN in his photobooth instalation at FAT and got this picture sent to me

Shortly after FAT, I caught what ever this evil illness is going around the city, and that has had me out of commision a good bit for the last week and a half. Finally got my ass to the doctor and sure enough, it transformed into a chest infection. But I got some antibiotics, and I'm pretty much better now. All thats left is a runny nose and an irritating cough...but thats on its way out.
I found out reccently that i will be an aunt, and my kids will finally have a cousin! Yay!!! My sister sent me the ultrasound images last night and I'm oh so smitten with the lil one

Other than that...I've just been getting lots of rest, and going out occasionally. Enjoying this amazing weather we've been having and walking around the city for hours.
Life is certainly on the up swing for me...and i'm really looking forward to the summer. I think its going to be a good one.
Other than that, I gave my self some new bangs, and have been sporting the extensions again

and heres a few random photos from my outings...

we were trying to line the melons up with my boobs haha I don't know why there were melon stickers on the mirror, but there were also coconuts on the other side!

Okay kids, thats all for now!
i didnt know you had kids i guess i havnt read much of your blogs tho so thats prolly why kick ass sg moms represent =) hehehe
p.s that dress you are wearing is INCREDIBLE!