Well - No Clint Eastwood today.......
but I did get my new corset half finished
I also got my toenails freshly pedicured and polished. I'm a freak about keeping my feet nice - any foot-fetishists out there??
I also got my toenails freshly pedicured and polished. I'm a freak about keeping my feet nice - any foot-fetishists out there??
Just thought you'd find this funny.
My horse SIssy is a little lame, so I haven't been able to ride her for about a week - I wrote about it in the equine group. I rode another horse in my lesson last Monday, but this week is the county fair (e.g., horse show), so no lessons this week. Sissy's doing REALLY well, though. We went through a rough period where she was testing me left and right. It was right when they started using her as a lesson horse (go figure) (she's owned by the barn). But I was consistent with her, plus I increased our positive time together since I felt like I was correcting her left and right! She looooves grooming, so I did extra long grooming sessions, and hand-grazing, and finding all the places she likes to be scritched, etc. We got through that period and our relationship has just grown even better. She's a real sweetie and continues to improve. I hope she gets better soon! I'm glad you & Xena are doing well!