The most difficult language for me to learn, you may ask... Spanish. Really.
Mi estas lernanto esperanto kaj estas tre facila lingvo. Mi komencis lerni Esperanto at februaro. Mi havas amuzon ĉar formi frazojn estas unu defia kaj mirinda. Estas TRE facil!
And fun! But I don't have much practice yet, so I make lots of mistakes. Learn Esperanto it's pretty easy if you have internet and 20 minutes a day for studying. And they have their own social network, where you can train your Esperanto with people who speak the same languages you do (the link is for the EN version).
My Japanese is the worst. I basically know how to say I'm feeling something, if I'm hungry or thirst and properly introduce myself. I'm familiar with Hiragana and Katakana, but Kanji I know just a few. It's really hard and I don't have anyone to correct me or talk to me, but still is the one that I love most learn new stuff. Hard as fuck but it pays itself. Learn new things it's fun and when you finally can speak or make sentences I really can't say a better reward than this. If you are learning Brazilian Portuguese and want to chat with me to emprove your conversation, please, be my guest!
気をつけて, バイバイ!