"Who is your SG crush?" is my homework for today, and this is going to be an embarrasing.
I have two on suicide girls. Both of them are Hopefuls, and brazilians... and I've never met or talked to them. Not even a single hi. So, for the good of my homework I'm going to commit this social suicide telling everyone who are them.
After this you guys can found me with my face deep down on the ground.
My first crush is a beautiful girl, with white hair and blue eyes. She has 3 sets on suicide girls, and what I most admire on her it's the way she gave us "the look" when she pose. She has a pretty childish appearance with a seducing look, say hi to my darling @serenna.
My second crush I've seen not so long ago, she's new at the site and doesn't have a set yet (sad feelins). I don't know much about her, only she knows how to draw (and so good! she's so talented!). The sad part's that I think she's so amazing I couldn't even try to say "hi". My ultimate crush: @naahpinheiro. Now I'm going to move to cave and never see the sun light again!
@missy and @rambo it was a very fun way to confess my crush, thank you! (still embarassed tho).