I know how terrible it is to feel empty, like there's a part of you broken into million of pieces and you can't get your mind together. I also know how it feels when you lose someone, who is really important for you. But everytime I pass though this I still don't know what to do. Maybe just wait. Or do as many thins I can to forget about it. Or should I do something? Do in my power to change something? I'll never know, doesn't matter how many times I pass through it. I feel sad. I feel broken. And the worst part: I feel like there's nothing inside me anymore. I just keep hurting people. I'm so good at it. So damn good. At the end of the day, I just want to die. Like I could just sleep and never wake up anymore. So I would at least know that everybody I love could be just fine. Without the best Heartless Bitch ever: me.
the only mistake, is to think you are special, or specific, or alone in these feelings. i refer you to the works of Harold Pinter, for one, because i saw an awesome production of _the homecoming_ just now and it reminds us: these are the feelings that people feel. because we are people. nothing Personal
I know its not only me, I just wanted to express my feelings, I know Im not alone or something. I just let go so I can try to move my life.