The Catch Up Session for those who haven't been following the Chronicles:-
Worn Down The Knuckle Too Far
I have been somewhat nomadic of late, so if you have sent me emails or texts and I haven't replied then you have my apologies. The reasoning behind this has been all the extra work I have been doing in order to gain a small fist full of change. I have been as far a field as Chigwell and even did a day at the Ideal Homes Exhibiton, all and all it has been knackering and I haven't had anything as such to show for it (I got a cheque yesterday but with Easter weekend a fat fucking load of good it will do me). So Easter this year will be spent with the bread and milk I bought using coinage that was it the bottom of the draw, yes it's got to that point again.
Not to say that working has been the only thing I've done, I've found the time to catch up with some old friends, one from school and two from uni. One of which from uni I have devoted some time to help offer some career advise, maybe this means I'm turning into a responsible well rounded indivdual. But then again maybe not as I ignored the 'mind the gap' warning on the tube at Camden Town and kinda fell on the train cutting my leg up in the process followed by lying there and laughing about it.
I was in Camden to visit my cousin who at very short notice let me know he was going to a gig at the Underworld. It was an evening of way too overpriced beer and post-hardcore/emo bands. Most of whom I missed but did catch the last two. First up was 'Orakai' ( who weren't bad at all and seemed to appeal to the fourteen year old girls at the front. They handed out copies of their EP which is full of potential and not a bad way to spend 20mins.
Headlining the even was 'Devil Sold His Soul' ( who the keen eyed amongst you may remember from the CD with Rock Sound 69 (with also included a review of the Pornovurt album). After much promise and an early pit, DSHS failed to set the crowd alive, even though they brought a large following with them. Never the less they are another band who I think will only get better with more gigs and when the frontman realises he can sing and keep his eyes open. Really it's the single easiest way to shut the audience down, open your eyes!!
A good night tho, hopefully more of them to come when my cheque clears.
Time To Draw Breath
Here's to a delightful week in the countryside. I'm relaxing back at the rentals house, and I've just had one of my old piercings re-opened, so I thought I'd update seeing as it's been a while.
In what seems like an awful long time ago (27th of March) I caught Antiproduct ( and a whole host of other bands at the Electrowerkz ( in Angel. Of the other bands who are far too many to name individually, it was good to just kick back on an Easter sunday with hardcore and metalcore giving you that 'sat in a jet turbine' feeling, heavy music that will make your ears bleed for a week. Headlining were the fantastic Antiproduct who do an awesome liveshow. Don't be put of by album which is rather sterile by comparison, although a bargin a 3 from Virgin.
From metal shows to work, then more metal shows and I made the journey into deepest darkest Essex to a town called Colchester where I witnessed the mighty Pornovurt convert the heathen masses. After the sound levels got sorted after the first couple of songs there was dancing girls and gentlemen willing to let it all hang out in the name of trash.
In the near future now is my agent showcase, where agents and casting directors are invited to sample a brief portion of my talents and hopefully want to sign me onto their books so that I might make a living doing this thing.
I also have details of the next show I will be doing but as rehearsals will not be starting for about 6 weeks yet I'm going to leaving you hanging on what it will be. I will tell you however that it will be on from July the 11th and continuing for a three week run at the Camden Peoples Theatre, London. ( so there's no excuse for anyone not to come.
Back To School
Packing my bag for my final term! I've been back in the smoke for a couple of weeks now, I've been working mainly although I have had a touristy day after a conversation along the lines of 'taking things for granted because they are right on the doorstep'. I've also taken time out to catch 2 shows 'Stoning Mary' by Debbie Tucker Green at the Royal Court and 'LovePlay' by Moira Buffini at the Islington Pleasance. I bought a copy of 'Heroes Of Might and Magic IV' for the mac from ebay, which is awesome and otherwise unavailable because the company that made it has gone bust.
I'm suffering at the moment with a sore heel, and I've also got a chesting cough but my spirts are kept up by listening to 'Transylvania 90210' by Wednesday 13 which is one of the most amusing albums for a while.
The Showcase
There hasn't been a whole lot to report in terms of life taking twists and turns. It's been more a case of rehearse - sleep - repeat again. So the agent showcase is tomorrow and thursday, and I am involved in a well rehearsed piece of George Bernard Shaw's 'Arms and The Man', which if anyone hasn't read it, it's really worth a look.
I have had no social life recently, I managed to get down to the Ship on Sat night to see a couple of friends which was of relief. I do have something of a social calender coming back though, out with folks fron the Nam this Sat, then Pornovurt are playing Madame JoJo's on a week Thursday (19th). Rock On!
The Showcase Pt. 2
Well the showcase went very well. It was such a great feeling to be performing on a West End stage, I think that's something I could really get used to. I was nice to soak up the place and get to work with the evening course bunch whom we very rarely see. All that's left to do is hope I get some offers from some of the agents that where there.
In other news, Charlton send Palace down to the fizzy drink division on Sunday which made me very happy and was also a nice afternoon in the sunshine with my Mum and Dad.
There's trouble abrewing however and today has been Mutiny Tuesday, I will expand on that in more settled times.
Worn Down The Knuckle Too Far
I have been somewhat nomadic of late, so if you have sent me emails or texts and I haven't replied then you have my apologies. The reasoning behind this has been all the extra work I have been doing in order to gain a small fist full of change. I have been as far a field as Chigwell and even did a day at the Ideal Homes Exhibiton, all and all it has been knackering and I haven't had anything as such to show for it (I got a cheque yesterday but with Easter weekend a fat fucking load of good it will do me). So Easter this year will be spent with the bread and milk I bought using coinage that was it the bottom of the draw, yes it's got to that point again.
Not to say that working has been the only thing I've done, I've found the time to catch up with some old friends, one from school and two from uni. One of which from uni I have devoted some time to help offer some career advise, maybe this means I'm turning into a responsible well rounded indivdual. But then again maybe not as I ignored the 'mind the gap' warning on the tube at Camden Town and kinda fell on the train cutting my leg up in the process followed by lying there and laughing about it.
I was in Camden to visit my cousin who at very short notice let me know he was going to a gig at the Underworld. It was an evening of way too overpriced beer and post-hardcore/emo bands. Most of whom I missed but did catch the last two. First up was 'Orakai' ( who weren't bad at all and seemed to appeal to the fourteen year old girls at the front. They handed out copies of their EP which is full of potential and not a bad way to spend 20mins.
Headlining the even was 'Devil Sold His Soul' ( who the keen eyed amongst you may remember from the CD with Rock Sound 69 (with also included a review of the Pornovurt album). After much promise and an early pit, DSHS failed to set the crowd alive, even though they brought a large following with them. Never the less they are another band who I think will only get better with more gigs and when the frontman realises he can sing and keep his eyes open. Really it's the single easiest way to shut the audience down, open your eyes!!
A good night tho, hopefully more of them to come when my cheque clears.
Time To Draw Breath
Here's to a delightful week in the countryside. I'm relaxing back at the rentals house, and I've just had one of my old piercings re-opened, so I thought I'd update seeing as it's been a while.
In what seems like an awful long time ago (27th of March) I caught Antiproduct ( and a whole host of other bands at the Electrowerkz ( in Angel. Of the other bands who are far too many to name individually, it was good to just kick back on an Easter sunday with hardcore and metalcore giving you that 'sat in a jet turbine' feeling, heavy music that will make your ears bleed for a week. Headlining were the fantastic Antiproduct who do an awesome liveshow. Don't be put of by album which is rather sterile by comparison, although a bargin a 3 from Virgin.
From metal shows to work, then more metal shows and I made the journey into deepest darkest Essex to a town called Colchester where I witnessed the mighty Pornovurt convert the heathen masses. After the sound levels got sorted after the first couple of songs there was dancing girls and gentlemen willing to let it all hang out in the name of trash.
In the near future now is my agent showcase, where agents and casting directors are invited to sample a brief portion of my talents and hopefully want to sign me onto their books so that I might make a living doing this thing.
I also have details of the next show I will be doing but as rehearsals will not be starting for about 6 weeks yet I'm going to leaving you hanging on what it will be. I will tell you however that it will be on from July the 11th and continuing for a three week run at the Camden Peoples Theatre, London. ( so there's no excuse for anyone not to come.
Back To School
Packing my bag for my final term! I've been back in the smoke for a couple of weeks now, I've been working mainly although I have had a touristy day after a conversation along the lines of 'taking things for granted because they are right on the doorstep'. I've also taken time out to catch 2 shows 'Stoning Mary' by Debbie Tucker Green at the Royal Court and 'LovePlay' by Moira Buffini at the Islington Pleasance. I bought a copy of 'Heroes Of Might and Magic IV' for the mac from ebay, which is awesome and otherwise unavailable because the company that made it has gone bust.
I'm suffering at the moment with a sore heel, and I've also got a chesting cough but my spirts are kept up by listening to 'Transylvania 90210' by Wednesday 13 which is one of the most amusing albums for a while.
The Showcase
There hasn't been a whole lot to report in terms of life taking twists and turns. It's been more a case of rehearse - sleep - repeat again. So the agent showcase is tomorrow and thursday, and I am involved in a well rehearsed piece of George Bernard Shaw's 'Arms and The Man', which if anyone hasn't read it, it's really worth a look.
I have had no social life recently, I managed to get down to the Ship on Sat night to see a couple of friends which was of relief. I do have something of a social calender coming back though, out with folks fron the Nam this Sat, then Pornovurt are playing Madame JoJo's on a week Thursday (19th). Rock On!
The Showcase Pt. 2
Well the showcase went very well. It was such a great feeling to be performing on a West End stage, I think that's something I could really get used to. I was nice to soak up the place and get to work with the evening course bunch whom we very rarely see. All that's left to do is hope I get some offers from some of the agents that where there.
In other news, Charlton send Palace down to the fizzy drink division on Sunday which made me very happy and was also a nice afternoon in the sunshine with my Mum and Dad.
There's trouble abrewing however and today has been Mutiny Tuesday, I will expand on that in more settled times.
Yay you came back

Been busy then aye?