I'm so tired, but I can't sleep.
for some reason I've been all screwed up lately with sleeping and eating everything
I think it might be the depression fucking with me again, I don't know, lol.
but today I slept from 12 am this morning until 1 pm then I fell asleep again at 3 until 7 and I've been feeling really sick when I am hungry so I don't eat and then I get hungrier and eat a lot and then get all sad because I feel fat lol,
I hate feeling fat honestly. (worst feeling anyone can feel ha ha)
and the worst part is, I can't get an appointment with my doctor to see whats wrong with me until April, what the hell is that?!
and I hate waiting at the clinic for like 6 hours for the stupid doctors there they have no idea what they're doing and just want to get me out of there, so annoying... oh well guess I will just have to suck it up ha ha.
I need to good job searching this week,
because I need some mooooney!
I am really not looking forward to going back to work though, lol I like my lazy sit at home days, but everyone incl. me has to work lol, and especially while I am living on my own, I mean Henry can't support my lazy ass forever ha ha, if only... poor guy though, I am going to try really hard though and I am going to try to not be so picky... but I still don't want to end up at McDonald's or Timmies again **shudders** ha ha
I am going to try to get back into retail since I love retail and I've been thinking about designing clothes for a living who knows though lol,
So I made my resume look all perdy and what not,
wish me luck on getting a job!!!
And look at my cute little kittys!!!
Valkyrie (left) and Odin (right)
I love em!!
oxo VakkerDame
I'm so tired, but I can't sleep.
for some reason I've been all screwed up lately with sleeping and eating everything
I think it might be the depression fucking with me again, I don't know, lol.
but today I slept from 12 am this morning until 1 pm then I fell asleep again at 3 until 7 and I've been feeling really sick when I am hungry so I don't eat and then I get hungrier and eat a lot and then get all sad because I feel fat lol,
I hate feeling fat honestly. (worst feeling anyone can feel ha ha)
and the worst part is, I can't get an appointment with my doctor to see whats wrong with me until April, what the hell is that?!
and I hate waiting at the clinic for like 6 hours for the stupid doctors there they have no idea what they're doing and just want to get me out of there, so annoying... oh well guess I will just have to suck it up ha ha.
I need to good job searching this week,
because I need some mooooney!
I am really not looking forward to going back to work though, lol I like my lazy sit at home days, but everyone incl. me has to work lol, and especially while I am living on my own, I mean Henry can't support my lazy ass forever ha ha, if only... poor guy though, I am going to try really hard though and I am going to try to not be so picky... but I still don't want to end up at McDonald's or Timmies again **shudders** ha ha
I am going to try to get back into retail since I love retail and I've been thinking about designing clothes for a living who knows though lol,
So I made my resume look all perdy and what not,
wish me luck on getting a job!!!
And look at my cute little kittys!!!
Valkyrie (left) and Odin (right)
I love em!!

oxo VakkerDame
