not that i give two shits about the holidays
but happy late fourth of july.
i like to imagine our nation spewed forth one giant sneeze
and all the people cried "god bless america!"
well we all know how i feel about god blessing anything.
oh, but really i do support freedom
and the grilling of cheeseburgers
with american cheese
rock on.
the other day i ate some lamb and then went to see dax riggs at club cafe here in pittsburgh
for those unfamiliar dax riggs was the vocalist of one of my favorite bands, acid bath, long since dead.
his other projects include agents of oblivion (stellar) and deadboy and the elephant men. now solo.
i think he is one of the most deep and talented musicians of our time
he is also quite introvertedly awkward like myself
and enjoys jameson, much like myself.
and so we had a shot of jameson together and it was nice to share a small moment with someone i view with such high respect
this is him covering billie holiday's gloomy sunday that night:
well, that was a week ago now and aside from going to work i have not made any contact with the human species nor have i attempted to or desired to do so.
tonight i will go see acro-cats
and then i will resume the life of a recluse.
(update: acro-cats sold out four people in line before me. i may never recover from this.)
last night i had a very vivid, lucid dream in which i not only had the ability to fly and was flying in the sky and inside of a giant mansion but i also stabbed an insane child brutally to death using a very large kitchen knife with a dull blade.
is that the sort of thing you shouldn't tell other people?
too late.
regardless, i woke up feeling very refreshed.
life is good but my mind is a total shit-fuck that i cannot even begin to explain to you right now
so is it ok if i am mostly just here to say hello?
i have a new set that will be in member review on july 29th:
thanks for tuning in, sexy people of the world.
we will meet again soon.
rexxy, out.
<3 Rexx