the nineties will never be beat.
it is a beautiful, sunny day
took a long walk in the chilly, morning air
got a big ole pig shoulder in the slow cooker
homework is almost complete
doom yoga is on my horizon
life is good.
took a couple of road trips recently and had a blast!
went to philly and shot with corwinprescott for SG, which you will see far down the road. and got to cuddle with his super cool pug, franco.
then it was off to virginia where i was scooped up by nodawn , this dude rules! SG has brought some of the coolest people into my life. we spent the next couple of days shooting for a pretty sweet motorcycle magazine. i got to meet some truly awesome people and had a fucking blast. not to mention eat the world's greatest cheeseburgers and fries, which happen to dwell in richmond, virginia and see yayadawn and do some more pet cuddling with their furry friends and shoot some other spicy material for fun and zivity.
if you want to see the full shower set, check out zivity!!!!
otherwise i've been up to my usual tricks of the hermit variety
reading, cross-wording, excessive incense and candle burning, metal blaring.
speaking of metal...
i came across this photo on someone's tumblr but there was no information with it. i love it and would like to know more about it and mainly who is this stunning beauty??? does anyone know?
also speaking of metal.
i cannot wait for maryland death fest
Json you rule!!!!
also speaking of things i cannot wait for
my new set by shotgun is only a month away from member review now.
March 11th, keep your eyes peeled like the strings off your bananas!
well my love noodles,
it is so delightful outside and i must leave you
for yoga and sunshine.
bourbon and barbecue await in the future.
i am knocking my patellae together in anticipation!!!!!
\m/ \m/ \m/
do what you want. never take life too seriously.
<3 Rexx
As for the west coast... it's a big hardcore scene out here. There is virtually NO Doom or Black metal scene out here and Death Metal is very scarce. Usually down in Tucson which is a little over a 2 hour drive from Phoenix is where a lot of the good bands go but my work schedule usually doesn't allow me the time to make it down there since I start very early. BUT, I just got a new job so hopefully I can make it down there. I know Pittsburgh is probably farther from NY than Tucson is from Phoenix so I won't bitch too much lol.