i made some fabulous clearance purchases as all of the creepy delights were being promptly shoved aside for that thing known as christmas

the final phase of decor:
(open if you daaare, bwahahahaha!)
i was a nice witch for the trick or treaters
and then...
marilyn fucking manson for my homies.
in other news i was featured on nefarious realm this week for their hotter side of metal segment!
check it out here
i failed to update my ever-changing occupation in the interview, which is now popcorn factory extraordinaaaaire dahling, but no matter.
stoked that it featured LizardAM 's photos from my sea hag set! representing burning witch in true metalhead fashion.
thanks for all the love on sea hag. it has not fared so terribly well in member review but i absolutely love it and i'm glad that you guys enjoyed it!!!! <3
in other music news,
this upcoming tuesday i will be seeing one of my favorite bands for the first time: EARTH!
fuck yeah!
and the following tuesday i'm traveling to brooklyn on a whim to see EYEHATEGOD!!!!!
FUCK YEAH AGAIN!!!! \m/ \m/
and just 'cause:
(these motherfuckin' kids represent pittsburgh so hard <3 )
and speaking of pittsburgh, i fled it late last night to git down southward to ole virginny and visit my family for a few days
everyone is gone at the moment so i'm reveling in the glory of solitude amongst trees and leaves, cats and bugs, peace and quiet, floods of warm sunlight.. <3
in addition to the three cats in the house, there has been a ferrel cat colony thriving in my parents woods for years now. i adore it in every way.
i love city living but i also i miss living in the sticks
sometime in the next couple of years i would like to move somewhere more quiet, lonely, naturesque, quaint. i do love these things.
(that is josie, my soul-cat since age 12)
(that is moo, a recent addition who thinks i'm an evil intruder and likes to spy on me and eat my boots)
well, i'm off to finish my pot of black ass coffee and enjoy the day.
cheers, baby.
<3 Rexx
P.S. something in the works for you by the oh so vivacious shotgun
and your face! so pretty Rexx