a very small chid is screaming directly in front of my house.
i actually got up from my comfy couch perch to make sure the incessant wails were human
because after a few minutes i started questioning whether it were a duck being strangled..
luckily it was only an infant, a fresh addition to this twirling world,
come to join in the infinite scream of life
(and to induce loathing in my heart with each and every helpless, bawling episode).
through rage and fear, roller-coaster rides and good, hard fucks..
we are all destined to scream forever.
i wonder what the other animal species think when they hear these shrieking vocal displays?
sometimes it feels great, magnificent even, to scream for absolutely no reason at all,
for the bloody fuck of it.
i think it would be fantastic if we all stepped out onto our front porches, right now,
took in the scenery for a moment,
sucked down an overly-dramatic drag of joe, or beer, or joint or smoke,
then just put our fleshly faces to the wind
and fucking SCREAMED..
only to stop and walk directly back indoors.
i'm imagining people all around the world at this very moment doing this..
the four or five or however many of you actually read this here thing.
i can see the neighbors horrible stares,
the startled birds flying rapidly upward,
the cat in the cracked window, tilting its head to one side..
and you, screaming,
completely, joyfully mad for that one moment, not giving one flying fuck.
perhaps a ball scratch or a roar of self-inflicted laughter follows
and then an abrupt return to the inside from whence you suddenly came.
i cannot imagine what all of these insides look like..
only the porches, the stoops or the sidewalks.
i know this won't happen,
but if anyone actually does this
and has solid audio/visual proof
i will send you a prize,
no matter where you live.
tell me of your experience.

i start a new job tomorrow.
my third employment change in the past year
but the first that feels like a new leaf.
bakery business, i return to you with open arms
(that will no longer have to be covered with long sleeves).
as for today, it has been nothing short of wonderful.
woke up early and smiled at the fact that tomorrow marks the start of the month of these highly anticipated events of the manson variety:

then, in honor of having a total revisit to my still-reigning, fourth-grade obsessions,
i had a nice viewing of the craft in my skivvies with hot java and the sunshine pouring in.

sewed a few rexxy-original digs
including these atheist leopard shorts.

took a long walk in the deliciously warm weather of today,
indulging my feet and skin and brains
and ears:
Witchcraft - Self-Titled
Sneaker Pimps - Becoming X
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Corrupted - Garten Der Unbewusstheit
Death - Leprosy
Jesu - Ascension
worked on finishing the final scraps of homework and exams for the last week of classes. whew. to be continued...in the fall, i do suppose. perhaps my ten-year plan will not last so long. or perhaps it will never end. it all depends on how i feel at any given moment.
i have a near mountain's worth of books that i've collected over the months to read for my own personal joy and self-education. a mountain that will only get larger once i return my textbooks to gracious old amazon.com. with no more class, my nag-champa-loving nose will be buried in books all summer long.
i rewarded my hard work by baking an absolutely scrumptious, gooey batch of red velvet chocolate chip cookies. yum!

in addition to marilyn and shirley, code orange kids (sick local band, now signed to deathwish) is playing here tomorrow night at the smiling moose! last week i got to catch a friend from virginia's band, cough, (awesome jams if you like doom) at the moose as well. they opened for weedeater!
i went to an incredible blues and burlesque show here in pittsburgh at the rex (the rex!). it was really, really, REALLY amazing. davina and the vagabonds played the blues (her voice is smashing. absolutely smashing), while kinky kitty cabaret dazzled us with their burlesque excellence. if this show travels to your town, you should definitely check it out.
music is good
times are good
life is good
and now you are all caught up on little old me.
i hope all of your days have been lovely!
thanks for stopping by my little piece of the universe.
till next time...
<3 Rexx

i actually got up from my comfy couch perch to make sure the incessant wails were human
because after a few minutes i started questioning whether it were a duck being strangled..
luckily it was only an infant, a fresh addition to this twirling world,
come to join in the infinite scream of life
(and to induce loathing in my heart with each and every helpless, bawling episode).
through rage and fear, roller-coaster rides and good, hard fucks..
we are all destined to scream forever.
i wonder what the other animal species think when they hear these shrieking vocal displays?
sometimes it feels great, magnificent even, to scream for absolutely no reason at all,
for the bloody fuck of it.
i think it would be fantastic if we all stepped out onto our front porches, right now,
took in the scenery for a moment,
sucked down an overly-dramatic drag of joe, or beer, or joint or smoke,
then just put our fleshly faces to the wind
and fucking SCREAMED..
only to stop and walk directly back indoors.
i'm imagining people all around the world at this very moment doing this..
the four or five or however many of you actually read this here thing.
i can see the neighbors horrible stares,
the startled birds flying rapidly upward,
the cat in the cracked window, tilting its head to one side..
and you, screaming,
completely, joyfully mad for that one moment, not giving one flying fuck.
perhaps a ball scratch or a roar of self-inflicted laughter follows
and then an abrupt return to the inside from whence you suddenly came.
i cannot imagine what all of these insides look like..
only the porches, the stoops or the sidewalks.
i know this won't happen,
but if anyone actually does this
and has solid audio/visual proof
i will send you a prize,
no matter where you live.
tell me of your experience.

i start a new job tomorrow.
my third employment change in the past year
but the first that feels like a new leaf.
bakery business, i return to you with open arms
(that will no longer have to be covered with long sleeves).

as for today, it has been nothing short of wonderful.
woke up early and smiled at the fact that tomorrow marks the start of the month of these highly anticipated events of the manson variety:

then, in honor of having a total revisit to my still-reigning, fourth-grade obsessions,
i had a nice viewing of the craft in my skivvies with hot java and the sunshine pouring in.

sewed a few rexxy-original digs
including these atheist leopard shorts.

took a long walk in the deliciously warm weather of today,
indulging my feet and skin and brains
and ears:
Witchcraft - Self-Titled
Sneaker Pimps - Becoming X
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Corrupted - Garten Der Unbewusstheit
Death - Leprosy
Jesu - Ascension
worked on finishing the final scraps of homework and exams for the last week of classes. whew. to be continued...in the fall, i do suppose. perhaps my ten-year plan will not last so long. or perhaps it will never end. it all depends on how i feel at any given moment.
i have a near mountain's worth of books that i've collected over the months to read for my own personal joy and self-education. a mountain that will only get larger once i return my textbooks to gracious old amazon.com. with no more class, my nag-champa-loving nose will be buried in books all summer long.

i rewarded my hard work by baking an absolutely scrumptious, gooey batch of red velvet chocolate chip cookies. yum!

in addition to marilyn and shirley, code orange kids (sick local band, now signed to deathwish) is playing here tomorrow night at the smiling moose! last week i got to catch a friend from virginia's band, cough, (awesome jams if you like doom) at the moose as well. they opened for weedeater!

i went to an incredible blues and burlesque show here in pittsburgh at the rex (the rex!). it was really, really, REALLY amazing. davina and the vagabonds played the blues (her voice is smashing. absolutely smashing), while kinky kitty cabaret dazzled us with their burlesque excellence. if this show travels to your town, you should definitely check it out.
music is good
times are good
life is good
and now you are all caught up on little old me.

i hope all of your days have been lovely!
thanks for stopping by my little piece of the universe.
till next time...
<3 Rexx

btw, I prefer my watermelon marbled. The fat is what locks the flavor in.