apparently listening to deicide while eating a ham and cheese sandwich and drinking chocolate milk is the perfect cure for a hangover.
so now that i'm feelin' real nice n'at..
hello, my love flakes.
i just bought tickets for nile, mastadon, opeth, ghost, and eagerly await tickets for converge's richmond show with pianos become the teeth to go on sale. i went to check the tour dates and realized that i'm in a photo on the main page of the converge website from a show they played here in pittsburgh last summer. pretty groovy. i'll be proud if you can spot me in here.
life is wonderful. bacon is plentiful.

spring semester of online classes begins this week. i've had quite a few weeks off, so i've been devouring books like never before to get me through the next few months of more school reading and less rexx reading. although i must say i am pretty excited about my astronomy and medical terminology courses. one more online course summer semester and then next year i should be able to get my hands on the dead bodies.
winter is the only time i really invest hours in watching movies. the boy and i have been knocking out the planet earth series with plenty of weed and nakedness. i also finally picked up 9 to 5: days in porn. i was really impressed with this documentary. i think it was very well done and of course anything involving belladonna's beautiful face and bubbling personality/ass is necessary in my book.
an avid hater of earbuds, i finally got myself some serious headphones for christmas and have been wandering and rocking out like a mother fucker with warm, comfy ears. i will never tire of aimless wandering. the way shadows fall, the expressions on faces, the privacy my eyes invade through shop fronts, the cats in the windows.

as of a six hour session last saturday, my dude emil over at kyklops and i are officially back in action on my right sleeve after a year's hiatus on the little dedication to decay.

some nice people somewhere in the world (or perhaps they are mean or dead or traveling with the circus or curled up in bed naked avoiding humanity on a friday night just like me) have gifted me with fine treasures via their donations to the thrift store down the street.. nurturing my flaming love of candles, creepiness, and the wild.
your halloween novelty waste will forever remain my year-round delight. thank you.

i don't know if i ever mentioned (speaking of creepiness and fellow creeps) that i happened upon serene 's lovely charms on etsy via her suicidegirls blog and she made me this lovely skeleton lady lace choker.

ah, well..i did mean to stay and ramble to you a bit more and perhaps share some little poetics and journal tidbits rather than dismiss myself with an abrupt ending but i must be going. a hot shower and a hermit weekend lie ahead of me.
sparkle and shine
a random visitor once left that sprawled on a paper scrap in my living room, on a dark, wooden table long since gone. i'm unsure why i thought of it, just now.
in my head i hear bukowski drawling: ..thick and demented...
ah, what IS the poem?
i'll be around. till next time.
<3 Rexx

so now that i'm feelin' real nice n'at..
hello, my love flakes.

i just bought tickets for nile, mastadon, opeth, ghost, and eagerly await tickets for converge's richmond show with pianos become the teeth to go on sale. i went to check the tour dates and realized that i'm in a photo on the main page of the converge website from a show they played here in pittsburgh last summer. pretty groovy. i'll be proud if you can spot me in here.

life is wonderful. bacon is plentiful.

spring semester of online classes begins this week. i've had quite a few weeks off, so i've been devouring books like never before to get me through the next few months of more school reading and less rexx reading. although i must say i am pretty excited about my astronomy and medical terminology courses. one more online course summer semester and then next year i should be able to get my hands on the dead bodies.
winter is the only time i really invest hours in watching movies. the boy and i have been knocking out the planet earth series with plenty of weed and nakedness. i also finally picked up 9 to 5: days in porn. i was really impressed with this documentary. i think it was very well done and of course anything involving belladonna's beautiful face and bubbling personality/ass is necessary in my book.
an avid hater of earbuds, i finally got myself some serious headphones for christmas and have been wandering and rocking out like a mother fucker with warm, comfy ears. i will never tire of aimless wandering. the way shadows fall, the expressions on faces, the privacy my eyes invade through shop fronts, the cats in the windows.

as of a six hour session last saturday, my dude emil over at kyklops and i are officially back in action on my right sleeve after a year's hiatus on the little dedication to decay.

some nice people somewhere in the world (or perhaps they are mean or dead or traveling with the circus or curled up in bed naked avoiding humanity on a friday night just like me) have gifted me with fine treasures via their donations to the thrift store down the street.. nurturing my flaming love of candles, creepiness, and the wild.
your halloween novelty waste will forever remain my year-round delight. thank you.

i don't know if i ever mentioned (speaking of creepiness and fellow creeps) that i happened upon serene 's lovely charms on etsy via her suicidegirls blog and she made me this lovely skeleton lady lace choker.

ah, well..i did mean to stay and ramble to you a bit more and perhaps share some little poetics and journal tidbits rather than dismiss myself with an abrupt ending but i must be going. a hot shower and a hermit weekend lie ahead of me.
sparkle and shine
a random visitor once left that sprawled on a paper scrap in my living room, on a dark, wooden table long since gone. i'm unsure why i thought of it, just now.
in my head i hear bukowski drawling: ..thick and demented...
ah, what IS the poem?
i'll be around. till next time.

<3 Rexx

Oh, and I just saw your Bukowski reminded me that they're making Ham On Rye into a movie.