no work until the night
+ porn
+ air
+ coffee
+ lacy black skivvies
+ fresh blackberries
= good morning in my bed.
things i am reading:
Bukowski - War All the Time
Celine - Death on the Installment Plan
things i am listening to:
Air - Moon Safari
Blut Aus Nord - MoRt
Skinny Puppy - Cleanse, Fold, and Manipulate
Pig Destroyer - Phantom Limb
Caravels - Floorboards
Humble Pie - Smokin'
Earth - The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull
all over the place.
i registered for more classes next semester.
after which i should be able to delve into the realm of mortuary studies and also
plan to be leaving the pitts with my boo for a last hoorah in richmond
bourbon + root beer
long walks
fall + winter
a good time to let falling leaves and wind pelt you in the face
remind yourself you're alive
perhaps the thing would be to slit the throats of all those who don't catch on, d' you think? and let more of them, more of the poor, be born--and so on until some lot came along who understood the joke, the whole of the you go on mowing a lawn until the grass is really good and lush. (celine)
traffic is perpetually growing more abhorrent.
immobile, metal heaps.
thousands in every direction all attempting to converge in a state of repetitive mediocrity
at a limited number of intersections.
seven billion human beings and counting. and counting. and..
your studies won't be any use to you here, my lad. you haven't come here to think, but to go through the motions that you'll be told to make..we've no use for intellectuals in this outfit. what we need is chimpanzees. let me give you a word of advice: never say a word to us about being intelligent. we will think for you, my friend. don't forget it.'
i turn my head and walk on.
brush the trunk of a tree with my fingertips in passing.
happy, at least, that i've clung to my guts and my soul
for twenty four years
and that the sidewalks remain empty for me.
remnants of a mickey mouse stamp on my hand
but the heavy beer and the iggy pop and the vintage smutty film was perfect last night
and so i do not mind
that is the least we can do for ourselves in this life
not mind
if you can't love it at least don't mind it and if you mind it
leave it.
don't think about it. just fuck it to oblivion. vamoose. smithereens. nothingness. gone.
don't mind.
the day, as we have deemed it, is young and beautiful in more ways than one.
i'm going to knock out a paper i've to write, do some naked yoga
and then frolic about in it as i see fit.
goodbye, my love biscuits..
remove the cucumbers from your eyes!!
you cannot carpe the diem with pants on.

<3 Rexxy

+ porn
+ air
+ coffee
+ lacy black skivvies
+ fresh blackberries
= good morning in my bed.
things i am reading:
Bukowski - War All the Time
Celine - Death on the Installment Plan
things i am listening to:
Air - Moon Safari
Blut Aus Nord - MoRt
Skinny Puppy - Cleanse, Fold, and Manipulate
Pig Destroyer - Phantom Limb
Caravels - Floorboards
Humble Pie - Smokin'
Earth - The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull
all over the place.

i registered for more classes next semester.
after which i should be able to delve into the realm of mortuary studies and also
plan to be leaving the pitts with my boo for a last hoorah in richmond
bourbon + root beer
long walks
fall + winter
a good time to let falling leaves and wind pelt you in the face
remind yourself you're alive
perhaps the thing would be to slit the throats of all those who don't catch on, d' you think? and let more of them, more of the poor, be born--and so on until some lot came along who understood the joke, the whole of the you go on mowing a lawn until the grass is really good and lush. (celine)
traffic is perpetually growing more abhorrent.
immobile, metal heaps.
thousands in every direction all attempting to converge in a state of repetitive mediocrity
at a limited number of intersections.
seven billion human beings and counting. and counting. and..
your studies won't be any use to you here, my lad. you haven't come here to think, but to go through the motions that you'll be told to make..we've no use for intellectuals in this outfit. what we need is chimpanzees. let me give you a word of advice: never say a word to us about being intelligent. we will think for you, my friend. don't forget it.'
i turn my head and walk on.
brush the trunk of a tree with my fingertips in passing.
happy, at least, that i've clung to my guts and my soul
for twenty four years
and that the sidewalks remain empty for me.
remnants of a mickey mouse stamp on my hand
but the heavy beer and the iggy pop and the vintage smutty film was perfect last night
and so i do not mind
that is the least we can do for ourselves in this life
not mind
if you can't love it at least don't mind it and if you mind it
leave it.
don't think about it. just fuck it to oblivion. vamoose. smithereens. nothingness. gone.
don't mind.
the day, as we have deemed it, is young and beautiful in more ways than one.
i'm going to knock out a paper i've to write, do some naked yoga
and then frolic about in it as i see fit.
goodbye, my love biscuits..
remove the cucumbers from your eyes!!
you cannot carpe the diem with pants on.

<3 Rexxy

I had the hoppsicutioner click yesterday. Twas awesome. I wonder if you can get these southern beers up by you?
in honor of your to get a sammy winter lager.......or maybe a crown......