
its been awhile since i've been in the midst of all you freaky people who make the beauty of the world
i am currently melting in my room with the wax dripping from my candles
but i am free of clothing and do not mind the heat too much.
listening to adai - felo de se
i just got home from work a bit ago,
a few weeks ago i acquired a second job that was simply meant to be.
in a nut shell it involves reading three nights a week on top of a mountain.
sipping coffee, perhaps irish
crossword puzzling, chatting with my few nifty coworkers, observing baby birds,
occasionally answering phones and putting classy butts in seats so that they may consume fine cuisine while taking in the incredible view of the pittsburgh skyline.
i'm a busy rexxy bee with two jobs but it feels nice and of course i never feel i work too much.
i have also been slowly but surely making arrangements to take some classes in the fall, eventually leading up to attending the pittsburgh institute of mortuary science (i hope) which i've been interested in doing for years but have been awaiting the ripe financial aid-rich age of twenty four. and generally just lazy about all the paperwork and busy scampering my bootybooty all 'round the u. s. of a.
saturday i scurried down to virginia to meet up with my lovaaah, who has been in europe for the past month doing his thang with gifts from enola.

as always upon his return, i'm a happy, happy girl.
the past month i've been up to my usual antics "in my free time" as they say
but i say its all freeeeeee time baby, enjoy yourself inside work and out
or at least don't mind it.
wandering about the city both aimlessly and with purpose, but always with bare toes and a great reverence for the nature and small, enjoyable scenes and moments all around us.

drinking lots of coffee. some black. some with 'skey. some covered in marshmallows.

cooking delicious things like maple-glazed salmon topped with crumbled bacon, fried perogies, and spinach, egg, and cheese 'cupcakes'

being fascinated (in a disgust-ridden sort of way) by society in ways such as wondering why all around town and beyond little independent diners and grocers and bookstores are going out of business, while stores devoted soley to trendy and over-priced shower doors are thrivingand in MY NAME. the corpse-fucking bastards.

meeting bella donna

and, well, i'll just end it with that
my book is calling my name, and therefore off i go into the lateness of the night.
book. boy. booze. the glory of sleeping in sweetly lingering behind it all.
so, that's what has been up with me.
whattabout yinz?
what thoughts are in your noggin?
i will leave you with these commonly stated words of wisdom that i feel are often over-looked for "deeper" or "more intelligent" philosophies:
1. eat. drink. be merry.
2. wake up and smell the bacon.
i recently read in a book a memoir including a chinese slogan written on a wall in a coffee shop in japan:
"chiisa no, heibon na shiawase de ii---"
"A small, ordinary happiness is enough."
till next time..
<3 Rexx

its been awhile since i've been in the midst of all you freaky people who make the beauty of the world

i am currently melting in my room with the wax dripping from my candles
but i am free of clothing and do not mind the heat too much.
listening to adai - felo de se
i just got home from work a bit ago,
a few weeks ago i acquired a second job that was simply meant to be.
in a nut shell it involves reading three nights a week on top of a mountain.
sipping coffee, perhaps irish

crossword puzzling, chatting with my few nifty coworkers, observing baby birds,
occasionally answering phones and putting classy butts in seats so that they may consume fine cuisine while taking in the incredible view of the pittsburgh skyline.
i'm a busy rexxy bee with two jobs but it feels nice and of course i never feel i work too much.
i have also been slowly but surely making arrangements to take some classes in the fall, eventually leading up to attending the pittsburgh institute of mortuary science (i hope) which i've been interested in doing for years but have been awaiting the ripe financial aid-rich age of twenty four. and generally just lazy about all the paperwork and busy scampering my bootybooty all 'round the u. s. of a.

saturday i scurried down to virginia to meet up with my lovaaah, who has been in europe for the past month doing his thang with gifts from enola.

as always upon his return, i'm a happy, happy girl.

the past month i've been up to my usual antics "in my free time" as they say
but i say its all freeeeeee time baby, enjoy yourself inside work and out
or at least don't mind it.

wandering about the city both aimlessly and with purpose, but always with bare toes and a great reverence for the nature and small, enjoyable scenes and moments all around us.

drinking lots of coffee. some black. some with 'skey. some covered in marshmallows.

cooking delicious things like maple-glazed salmon topped with crumbled bacon, fried perogies, and spinach, egg, and cheese 'cupcakes'

being fascinated (in a disgust-ridden sort of way) by society in ways such as wondering why all around town and beyond little independent diners and grocers and bookstores are going out of business, while stores devoted soley to trendy and over-priced shower doors are thrivingand in MY NAME. the corpse-fucking bastards.

meeting bella donna

and, well, i'll just end it with that

my book is calling my name, and therefore off i go into the lateness of the night.
book. boy. booze. the glory of sleeping in sweetly lingering behind it all.
so, that's what has been up with me.
whattabout yinz?
what thoughts are in your noggin?
i will leave you with these commonly stated words of wisdom that i feel are often over-looked for "deeper" or "more intelligent" philosophies:
1. eat. drink. be merry.
2. wake up and smell the bacon.
i recently read in a book a memoir including a chinese slogan written on a wall in a coffee shop in japan:
"chiisa no, heibon na shiawase de ii---"
"A small, ordinary happiness is enough."
till next time..
<3 Rexx

What is the one thing that makes you happiest other than people or pets?
I think for me it is a glass of bourbon and a super rare steak. Oh and ranch makes everything better. Ranch and sriracha on pizza. Yes please.
Totally rambling.