"the greatest stress. how, if some day or night a demon were to sneak after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you 'this life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more, and there will be ntohing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything immeasurably small or great in your life must return to you -- all in the same succession and sequence -- even this spider and this moonlight between the trees. and even this moment and i myself. the eternal hourglass of existence is turned over and over, and you with it, a dust grain of dust' would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? or did you once experience a tremendous moment when you would have answered him 'you are a god, and never have i heard anything moe godly'. if this thought were to gain possession of you, it would change you, as you are, or perhaps crush you. the question in each and every thing, 'do you want this once more and innumerable times more?' would weigh upon your actions as the greatest stress. or how well disposed would you have to become to yourself and to life to crave nothing more fervently than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal?" -Nietzsche-
i used to look at that fortune cookie every morning, but now i think i'll read this instead.
...and am i really so much of a nerd that i've been devoting my free time to studying existentialism for my own sheer pleasure?
yeah, i am
so far i've delved pretty deeply into the worlds of kierkegaard and nietzsche. i want to take my time and gain as full of an understanding and span of knowledge of each before i move on. its kind of a blind learning process, however i am quite interested in it. any suggestions from the peanut gallery?
and how bout dem steeler boys sunday? mhmmmmmmm thats what i'm talkin about!!!!
the weekend was pretty fabulous. went and saw a reggae band and had some brewskis friday with a friend i hadn't seen in awhile. it was raining too hard to see a damn thing afterwards so we sat in the car by the cover of the downpour and blazed and chatted and watched the rain. when i got home i watched the rain some more.
i forgot how much i like to sit and watch the rain, sometimes.
saturday barhopped like crazy with the bro and some friends, also that i hadn't seen in awhile. so it was a nice little weekend of bourbon and beer and catching up and good times. very refreshing indeed.
and then i always realize what a recluse i am after two days of human interaction... and i want nothing more than to nerd around my house with books and coffee and long hot showers and internet addiction (which i am doing very well in cutting down on ::pats self on back:: and writing and lounging and music listening and text messaging and really long smoke breaks while listening to the bugs and counting leaves and enjoying the smell of the cold because i get accustomed to it after a month or so and can't or don't appreciate it anymore....
its a good smell.
man....hot chocolate would be nice right now.
with lots of marshmallows.
well thats all for now. i'm now going to go off on a wave of thought that isn't really relevant or exceptionally interesting i just need to contemplate and it comes easier for me if i write things down
i used to look at that fortune cookie every morning, but now i think i'll read this instead.
...and am i really so much of a nerd that i've been devoting my free time to studying existentialism for my own sheer pleasure?
yeah, i am
so far i've delved pretty deeply into the worlds of kierkegaard and nietzsche. i want to take my time and gain as full of an understanding and span of knowledge of each before i move on. its kind of a blind learning process, however i am quite interested in it. any suggestions from the peanut gallery?
and how bout dem steeler boys sunday? mhmmmmmmm thats what i'm talkin about!!!!
the weekend was pretty fabulous. went and saw a reggae band and had some brewskis friday with a friend i hadn't seen in awhile. it was raining too hard to see a damn thing afterwards so we sat in the car by the cover of the downpour and blazed and chatted and watched the rain. when i got home i watched the rain some more.
i forgot how much i like to sit and watch the rain, sometimes.
saturday barhopped like crazy with the bro and some friends, also that i hadn't seen in awhile. so it was a nice little weekend of bourbon and beer and catching up and good times. very refreshing indeed.
and then i always realize what a recluse i am after two days of human interaction... and i want nothing more than to nerd around my house with books and coffee and long hot showers and internet addiction (which i am doing very well in cutting down on ::pats self on back:: and writing and lounging and music listening and text messaging and really long smoke breaks while listening to the bugs and counting leaves and enjoying the smell of the cold because i get accustomed to it after a month or so and can't or don't appreciate it anymore....
its a good smell.
man....hot chocolate would be nice right now.
with lots of marshmallows.
well thats all for now. i'm now going to go off on a wave of thought that isn't really relevant or exceptionally interesting i just need to contemplate and it comes easier for me if i write things down
All my father's folks are from PA so it goes without saying I'm a Steelers fan. I was worried about that last game.
I love the cold weather myself, it makes me feel alive.
Anyway, I've found a nice element of closure to the whole thing, and while it sucks not having them around to talk to and shoot the shit like I regularly did with them, I know they'll be back eventually.
Thanks for that message by the way. That was awesome of you.