HAHAHAHAAH ok update. so i moved everything into the new place with the somewhat wierd roommate that i at first thought the place was cool enough to deal with...
until he asked me for a ride to his doctors appointment AT THE MENTAL INSTITUTION.
so, needless to day, i found out he worked the next night and by the cover of darkness stealthily moved all of my shit back out with the help of my brother....
i feel bad because i kind of fucked him over but i'm sorry, i am pretty crazy and open minded but i am NOT living with a fucking mental patient! what the fuck!
so anyways browsed craigslist again...met 2 awesome people in an awesome apartment tonight so hopefully they like me and i can live there. easy as pie :-) sweeter location too...walking distance to all the good bars in richmond! perfecto!
the calming down the drinking is going well. had a few beers last night and caught up with a good friend. tonight its straight jammin to reggae sitting on my ass and loving it.
i also bought new running shoes today to force myself to go to the gym. because i am pretty physically unactive since i got a car haha i figured if i paid 100 bucks for running shoes i would feel bad if i didn't use them on a regular basis. plus, that way i will have a hobby besides getting completely and utterly shitfaced to occupy my freetime :-)
i'm visiting pittsburgh in 2 weeks too. yay!
life is good.
....p.s. i have a set in member review, check it out and let me know what you think!
PPS:::: i posted this blog awhile back. and i will repost it here. because for the love of shit why the fuck are you on here being a major creepo with no picture or anything filled out on your profile. you are paying money to lurk bad ass naked chicks who probably don't want some seventy year old wrinkly balls son of a bitch paying 20 bucks a month or whatever to jerk off and not even talk to anyone. this is a community of cool ass people. get your fucking moneys worth. obviously we all want to see boobies, but...at least pretend not to be a fucking creep about it.
old blog:::::
if you are going to request someone's friendship on here,
why would you even bother if you don't have a single damn thing filled out in your profile, no picture of any sort, don't send a message, etc etc.
this isn't myspace people.
come the fuck on.
until he asked me for a ride to his doctors appointment AT THE MENTAL INSTITUTION.
so, needless to day, i found out he worked the next night and by the cover of darkness stealthily moved all of my shit back out with the help of my brother....
i feel bad because i kind of fucked him over but i'm sorry, i am pretty crazy and open minded but i am NOT living with a fucking mental patient! what the fuck!
so anyways browsed craigslist again...met 2 awesome people in an awesome apartment tonight so hopefully they like me and i can live there. easy as pie :-) sweeter location too...walking distance to all the good bars in richmond! perfecto!
the calming down the drinking is going well. had a few beers last night and caught up with a good friend. tonight its straight jammin to reggae sitting on my ass and loving it.
i also bought new running shoes today to force myself to go to the gym. because i am pretty physically unactive since i got a car haha i figured if i paid 100 bucks for running shoes i would feel bad if i didn't use them on a regular basis. plus, that way i will have a hobby besides getting completely and utterly shitfaced to occupy my freetime :-)
i'm visiting pittsburgh in 2 weeks too. yay!
life is good.
....p.s. i have a set in member review, check it out and let me know what you think!
PPS:::: i posted this blog awhile back. and i will repost it here. because for the love of shit why the fuck are you on here being a major creepo with no picture or anything filled out on your profile. you are paying money to lurk bad ass naked chicks who probably don't want some seventy year old wrinkly balls son of a bitch paying 20 bucks a month or whatever to jerk off and not even talk to anyone. this is a community of cool ass people. get your fucking moneys worth. obviously we all want to see boobies, but...at least pretend not to be a fucking creep about it.
old blog:::::
if you are going to request someone's friendship on here,
why would you even bother if you don't have a single damn thing filled out in your profile, no picture of any sort, don't send a message, etc etc.
this isn't myspace people.
come the fuck on.
That's some messed up shit about the mental institution! Freaky!
Haha!! That's too funny. He probably got home and figured you were just a figment of his imagination. Like that random roommate on Friends.